(IGP) IAS Pre Paper - 2: GS - English Language & Comprehension Skills - Foreign Words & Phrases (MCQ -9)

English Language & Comprehension Skills
Foreign Words & Phrases (MCQ -9)

Directions: Choose the correct meaning of the foreign words and phrases out of the four responses a, b, c and d.

1. vis-a-vis :
(a) similar
(b) face to face
(c) contrary to the fact
(d) in good faith

2. Modus operandi
(a) successful operation
(b) unsuccessfulmission
(c) mode or manner of doing a thing
(d) a clandestine operation

3. Ad valorem
(a) according to the-value
(b) according to utility
(c) according to cost
(d) according to demand

4. Aidememoire
(a) hearing aid
(b) withoutmemory
(c) with sound memory
(d) notes to aidmemory

5. Ad interim :
(a) finally
(b) ultimately
(c) unanimously
(d) in the mean time

6. Ad infinitum :
(a) with an end
(b) without end
(c) in the beginning
(d) at least

7. Aide :
(a) father
(b) teacher
(c) helper
(d) friend

8. Prima facie :
(a) without any evidence
(b) unceremoniously
(c) on the face of it
(d) deliberately

9. Inter alia :
(a) among other things
(b) without other things
(c) in seclusion
(d) in great demand

10. Ad hoc :
(a) for the purpose
(b) without any purpose
(c) for ever
(d) on the whole

11. Mala fide
(a) in good faith
(b) in bad faith
(c) in remembrance
(d) after death

12. Ipso facto :
(a) by the very fact
(b) contrary to the fact
(c) in isolation
(d) year after year

13. In toto :
(a) isolated
(b) part by part
(c) on the whole
(d) unknown

14. Viamedia
(a) extreme course
 (b) right course
(c) left course
(d) middle course

15. Postmortem :
(a) medical examination after death
(b) medical examination after birth
(c) medical examination of the children
(d) medical examination of the adults

16. Lingua franca
(a) Latin language
(b) a common language
(c) an unknown language
(d) a new language

17. Ultra Vires :
(a) within one’s powers
(b) in God’s hand
(c) beyond one’s powers
(d) beyond one’s imagination

18. Locus standi :
(a) a place for dancing
(b) an exit
(c) centre of an office
(d) a place for standing

19. Per capita :
(a) per hundred
(b) per capitals
(c) per fifties
(d) per head

20. Beau Jour
(a) good times
(b) bad times
(c) A.and B.
(d) None of these