MUMBAI AREA Study Partner Search...

MUMBAI AREA Study Partner Search...
post your request for study partner here..(click on "Add New Comment")

Can u tell me about the subjects along with u are going for PT.


looking for a study partner in MUMBAI for IAS GS and other optionals.

may i know who is this?


hi friends
i am preparing for SBI PO GD/PI. Anyone, with similar interest, staying in/around Mumbai and wanting to interact for better scores are requested to get in touch.
We can practice together and help each other fine tune our skills.

Deepak -

i m interesting to join the forum for proper guidence.

pls help me for lic ado interview.

-- annapurna

For LIC ADO Interview Paper Pattern

Follow the link given below :- 


Dear Sir,
a coaching institute of agra has taken full money from me in his online account and not sending quality study material. what to do. is there any organisation where i can complain against this institute. can any one help me

Dear Avnish
Simply lodge a FIR against that center.
Wait for a while after that, use RTI and raise question against the issue.
Believe me this will work.
