(Online Test Series) General Studies : UPSC Mains 2010 | Sample Paper
UPSC Mains 2010
General Studies Test Series : Sample Paper
Indian Polity
Q.1) Do you agree with the statement that some recent decisions of the Supreme Court may have far reaching impact on Indian society and culture? Put your views. (250 words).
Q.2) Rajya sabha become backdoor entry into legislature and government. Examine the statement critically. (200 words).
Q.3) “Let the Governors complete their term”. Explain.
Social National Issues.
Q.1) What Constitutional and extra constitutional options are available with the Union government to tackle Naxalites and Maoists effectively? Examine and suggest measures. (250 words).
Q.2) “Police reforms won’t work without Judicial and legislative reforms”. Comment. (200 words).
Q.3) What reasons, do you think ,are responsible for domestic violence and juvenile delinquency in India? Are acts sufficient to control them? Put your views.
Science And Technology
Q.1) Energy policy has become core issue in diplomacy of India today. How do you react? (250 words).
Q.2) What are GM crops? Do you agree that accepting or non accepting, is more political issue than technical? Discuss. (200 words).
Q.3) “Banning narco-analysis and brain mapping is certainly based on violation of right to life and personal liberty”. Explain with reference to technical procedures involved their in. (250 words).
Indian Geography
Q.1) “Majority of rivers water dams in India generate more disputes than hydroelectricity”. Examine the reasons and suggest measures. (250 words).
Q.2) “Global warming has some positive impacts also”. Comment. (200 words).
Q.3) Caste based census may become political tool of vote bank politics than social tool of development. Answer with arguments. (200 words).
Indian Economy.
Q.1) Indian farmers get defeated in case of over production and under production either. What economic and constitution measures should be taken to win the situation? Analyse. (250 words).
Q.2) Inflation and anti-inflationary measures are not only economic issues. Do you agree? Discuss. (200 words).
Q.3) Petroleum is blood of economy and Indian economy is a kind of patient, whose survival mostly depends on external blood salers. Critically examine the statement. (250 words).
Q.4) Planning is basically economic activity but it has become political activity in India. How far do you agree? Put your views. (200 words).
Q.5) All the rounds of W.T.O. are revolving around Doha round. Comment. (150 words).
Q.1) Indian diplomacy is mixed bag of success and failures. Comment with reference to Indo-US relations. (250 words).
Note: Questions of the GS Test Series are open to all. If you want to evaluate your answers with Experts (Teachers).
pls provide suggestion and questions for main exam for commerce subject.
plz recommend history