(Online Course) Contemporary Issues for IAS Mains 2012: Govt. Plans Programmes & Policies - Farmer's Welfare
Govt. Plans Programmes & Policies
Initiatives Taken in Rural Areas (Farmer's Welfare)
Agriculture Credit
For 2011-12, the agriculture credit target was Rs. 4,75,000 crore and the achievement upto 29th February, 2012 is Rs. 4,40,714 crore. The total farm loan accounts financed are 549.60 lakh out of which 61% are for small and marginal farmers. The disbursement target for 2012-13 is of Rs. 5,75,000 crore. Nearly 11 crore Kisan Credit Cards have been issued to farmers. The Kisan Credit Card is being enabled to be used as an ATM card at ATM/PoS terminals.
Agricultural Inputs: Fertilizers & Seeds
The demand of major fertilizers namely Urea, DAP, MOP and Complexes in the country is on the rise over the years and has been highest during the current year 2011-12. The cumulative requirement, availability and sales of fertilizers during the year 2011-12 (April, 2011 to March, 2012) has been exemplary. Consumption of fertilizers during 2011-12 is estimated to be about 141.30 kg. per hectare compared to 135.76 kg per hectare in 2009-10. The availability of fertilizers has been satisfactory throughout the country during 2011-12. Farmer’s participatory system of seed production is being emphasized under the Seed Village Scheme. The availability of quality seeds has increased to 353.62 lakh quintals during 2011-2012 compared to 321.36 lakh quintals during 2010-11.
Food Security
Production of foodgrains is estimated at an all time record level of over 250 million tonnes with production of rice and wheat estimated at all time record levels of 102 million tonnes and 88 million tones respectively. Production of pulses and oilseeds is estimated at 17.28 million tones and 30.53 million tonnes respectively. Production of cotton estimated to be 34 million bales is also a new record. The estimated production of sugarcane stands at 347.87 million tonnes which is higher by 5.49 million tonnes compared to last year. The National Food Security Mission launched to increase food grains production by 20 million tonnes by the year 2011-12, has already delivered additional food grain production of about 24 million tonnes thus achieving the target within four years of its implementation.
Managing Natural Calamities
In the wake of drought in states of Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh, Government approved assistance of Rs. 892.83 crore from National Disaster Response Fund (NDRF) and Rs. 8.00 crore from Special Component of National Rural Drinking Water programme (NRDWP) to these states.
Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY)
States and Union Territories have been provided Rs. 22408.79 Crore from 2007-08 to 2011-12. RKVY has imparted definite momentum to agriculture sector mainly due to substantial increase in allocation to agricultural sector and allowing States to plan their strategy and design appropriate schemes to implement that strategy with complete flexibility in scheme designs and autonomy in its implementation.
Extension reforms
Under the scheme of Kisan Call Centres, a country wide common eleven digit number Rs.1800-180-1551’ is available to provide replies to the queries of the farming community in 22 languages from 6.00 am to 10.00 pm on all 7 days of the week. Since inception of the scheme, over 76.37 lakh calls have been received in the Kisan Call Centres till January, 2012.
National Horticulture Mission (NHM)
The mission aims at increasing fruit production, processing, research and marketing of fruit. An amount of Rs. 1049.99 crore was released under NHM during 2011-12 and an amount of Rs. 493.13 crore was released under the Horticulture Mission for the North East & Himalayan States. Per capita availability of fruits and vegetables has increased to about 169 gms/person/day and 332 gms/person/day respectively.
Food Processing Industries
Government has approved 15 Mega Food Parks and another 15 are
under consideration. These 30 Mega Food Parks will enable setting up of
approximately 900- 1000 food processing units leading to less wastage,
enhancement of shelf – life and increase in employment opportunities and
farmer’s income. To ensure safe and hygienic supply of meat, 10 abattoirs are
being modernized with a total project cost of Rs. 254 crores. Rs. 170 crore have
been spent during the year 2011-12 on Infrastructure Development. A National
Institute of Food
Processing Technology & Entrepreneurship Management has been set up at Kundli,
Sonepat (Haryana) having world-class facilities. Over 1157 food processing
industries were assisted under the Scheme of Technology Upgradation/Establishment/Modernization
of Food Processing Industries. With a view to attracting higher investment in
the cold chain logistics, Government has accorded “infrastructure status” to the
cold chain projects.
Animal Husbandry
Adequate availability and efficient utilization of feed and fodder is vital for livestock productivity and for sustaining the on-going genetic improvement initiatives. Govt. of India released an amount of Rs. 32.45 crore in the financial year 2011-12 to state governments for supplementing their efforts towards ensuring adequate availability of feed & fodder. In order to strengthen the veterinary infrastructure for delivering quality veterinary services, funds were provided to the States/UTs for 898 Veterinary Hospitals and 947 Veterinary Dispensaries during 2011-12 under the scheme “Establishment and Strengthening of Existing Veterinary Hospitals and Dispensaries”.
Dairy sector
The Government has approved the National Dairy Plan Phase-I to be implemented during the period 2011-12 to 2016-17. The scheme is being implemented for increasing productivity of milch animals.
National Mission on Protein
Supplements For Dairy, Fisheries, Piggery and Goatery development, an amount of Rs. 297.50 crore was released to States under the National Mission on Protein Supplements that was launched in 22 States as a part of Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana.
Investing in Land
Under the comprehensive Integrated Watershed Management Programme, projects covering an area of 9.08 million hectares were sanctioned in 2011-12 and central assistance of Rs. 1865.92 crore was released for these projects.
Low Cost Housing
During the period 2007-12, about Rs. 2,00,000 crores has been the flow of credit from Public Sector Banks and Housing Finance Corporations to low income segments. Interest subvention to the tune of Rs. 300 crore has been provided for housing loans to low income segments in 2011-12.