(Online Course) Contemporary Issues for IAS Mains 2012: Govt. Plans Programmes & Policies - National Defense Authorization Bill

Govt. Plans Programmes & Policies

National Defense Authorization Bill

Ques. What are the provisions of the bill?

  • The military will be able to detain even USA citizens.
  • The lawful residents will be detained indefinitely without charge or trial.
  • Suspicion of involvement of terrorism will be enough.

Ques. Who prepared this bill?
Ans: The bill was prepared by a committee of armed forces.

Ques. What veto power Mr. Obama will get?
Ans: The bill gives the president power to exempt individuals from military detention.

Ques. What are the problems of the bill?

  • This piece of legislation can be used against U.S. Citizens on U.S. territory.
  • The bills vague wording will cause jurisdictional problems.
  • This could make it harder to gain co-operation from suspects held by the military.

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