(Online Course) Contemporary Issues for IAS Mains 2012:Social Issues - Corruption

Social Issues


(1) What are the steps taken by GOI to curb black money?
  • Roughly 62 bilateral and 20 further one to one treaties have been signed in the last two years on black money.
  • The whistleblowers bill will come before parliament very shortly.
  • The citizen charter bill will possibly be introduced with Lokpal bill.

(2) What are the recommendations of Ashok Chawla Committee?
  • Abolition of discretionally powers at the central government level in each department.
  • A new legislation and law for mining
  • Need for land acquisition bill in real estate sector business.

(3) The provisions of United Kingdom bribery act covers.
  • Public and private sectors
  • U.K. firms acting abroad
  • Non-U.K. citizens acting in the U.K.

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