CPCB report on River Ganga : Environment for UPSC Exams
CPCB report on River Ganga : Environment for UPSC Exams
- CPCB (Central Pollution Control Board)is the apex pollution monitoring body.
- River Ganga is dammed at many places and water has been diverted for various uses leading to loss of water quality and ecological sanctity.
- A distance of 543 km between Haridwar and Kanpur, was affected by 1,072 seriously polluting industries which are releasing heavy metals and pesticides.
- Water quality of River Ganga is showing presence of bacterial contamination besides reporting of presence of trace pollutants like heavy metals and pesticides in some of the studies.
- 3-4 Sewage treatment plants along the banks are non-compliant with the set standards.
- There is presence of trace pollutants like heavy metals and pesticides in traces.
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