Earth Day : Environment for UPSC Exams
Earth Day : Environment for UPSC Exams
Each year, Earth Day, April 22, marks the anniversary of the birth of the modern environmental movement in 1970. The ecology flag was also used.
Earth Day 2017’s Campaign is Environmental & Climate Literacy.
Earth Day events are held in more than 193 countries and coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network. Worldwide, various events are held to demonstrate support for environmental protection.
On Earth Day 2016, the landmark Paris Agreement was signed by the United States, China, and some 120 other countries
Numerous communities celebrate Earth Week, an entire week of activities focused on the environmental issues that the world faces.
In 2017, the March for Science occurred on Earth day and will be followed by the People's Climate Mobilization (April 29, 2017).
UNESCO has termed Indian poet-diplomat Abhay Kumar's idea of an official Earth Anthem as a creative and inspiring thought that would contribute to bringing the world together.
Kumar's "Earth Anthem" has been translated into eight languages including all official languages of the United Nations.
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