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Hangul : Environment for UPSC Exams
Hangul : Environment for UPSC Exams
A first-ever satellite telemetry tracking of Hanguls in Kashmir’s Dachigam National Park to study the deer’s behaviour and the reasons behind its falling numbers.
The hangul also called as Kashmir stag, is a subspecies of elk native to India. Hangul, or cervus ellaphus hanglu, a sub-specie of the European red deer known to be existing only in Kashmir.
It is found in dense riverine forests in the high valleys and mountains of the Kashmir Valley and northern Chamba district in Himachal Pradesh.
In Kashmir, it's found in the Dachigam National Park where it receives protection but elsewhere it is more at risk.
The only Asiatic survivor of the red deer, Hangul, has been declared (the locally) critically engendered wildlife specie in the Red List of The International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) in 1996.
It has similar categorisation in the list of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) which has India as a signatory.
It has been incorporated in Schedule-1 of both the Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 as well as the Jammu and Kashmir Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1978.
- Hangul, is the state animal of Jammu & Kashmir.