Kerala Bird Atlas Project : Environment for UPSC Exams
Kerala Bird Atlas Project : Environment for UPSC Exams
- Kerala Bird Atlas, a citizen science project to map the distribution and abundance of birds in Kerala, began in Wayanad district in July 2016.
The programme is being coordinated by the Hume Centre for Ecology and Wildlife Biology, a conservation organisation in the district, in association with the Bird Count India and e-bird.
- This is the first time in India that birds in an entire state are being mapped. The only similar effort was in Mysore city few years back.
- Kerala has the distinction of having six bird monitoring schemes, which includes recording common birds, heronries, water birds, pelagic (sea) birds, and forest birds.
- It is envisaged as a five-year activity. By repeating the process over a period of 25 years.
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