(Online Course) Pub Ad for IAS Mains: Chapter: 8 Development Dynamics - Challenges of Globalisation over Public Administration (Paper -1)

Paper - 1
Chapter: 8 (Development Dynamics)

Challenges of Globalisation over Public Administration

Challenges of Globalization over Public Administration challenges – threats or dangers with coming up of New Rights Philosophy there is rolling back of state, minimization of state, Shrinking of state.

In this background there are no. of differing views. Process of Globalization & its impact over PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION more focuses to dangers.

Systems across the world are merged with each other.

  1. One group in the era of NRP there is increasingly diminishing role of state. Certain theorists declare the demise of state. State is gradually becoming obsolete.
    There is a movement towards global village, global citizenship, movement towards global society with Global management. Society is moving towards marketised society, bigger corporates are going to be leaders. State is going to become obsolete.
    This idea being challenged by certain theorists. Michael Mann, Theda Skopcol.

  2. View of Francis Fukuyama
    “End of History and the last Man”. System across the world are going to come more closer.
    Liberalism will be the connecting ideology. Liberalism in the end of history. It is going to remain there forever.
    There are certain theorists who contradic the idea of rolling back of state and believe in “Roll the state back in” Advocating that state is critical actor and it is going to play critical role as the fundamental actor for human civilization.
    Market can supplement but cannot replace the state.
    Nation – state system is going to continue. Certain theorists coming with an altogether different idea.

    “Clash of Civilizations”. In the post cold war period the clash is not going to be across nation states but among different culture, civilizations, ideologies and values. International groups are increasingly going to be formed across religious values. Increasing sharping of edges among Christian and Islamic religions. National boundaries are going to be increasingly irrelevant.

  4. One of the most acceptable views has been provided by RIGGS. “SYNTROPY” Current Nation state system is going to continue but not in the way it was there earlier. Layers of cooperation across the world more interaction with each other.
    Synthesis + entropy = Syntorpy
    Dangers which are there on state or Public Administration.
    (1) Loss of sovereignty.
    (2) Loss of Democracy.
    (3) Loss of community.
    (4) Formation of Global Elite System.
    (5) Increasing dependence of loss developing countries over the more developed countries.

    Dear Candidate, This Material is from Public Administration Study Kit for Civil Services Main Examinations. For Details Click Here
  1. Loss of sovereignty:
    In terms of the choices, political, social, economic policies the various systems are autonomous. There is no superior authority over the state.
    Emergence of a concept ‘Global Constitutionalism’ (Political framework of limited government) Government does not have Unlimited power due to the presence of constitution which defines the limitations of the government.
    With the coming up of globalization, economic policies not only going to be defined by rational laws or constitution but also the International norms — Global constitutionalism.
    Global Constitutionalism
    There is increasing threat to state sovereignty. State increasingly being constrained or terms of choice of policies.
    Many theorists say, Liberalization is an irreversible process.

  2. Loss of Democracy:
    Democracy – Freedom to choose, Freedom of choice. Political & economic order – unilateral rather than multilateral.
    Increasing integration of - Rather it is assimilation of American Values American Culture, American politics American Values are being adopted by across the world.
    Flowing from dominant political, Social, economics institution (America). Takes away the choice from local. Excludes individuality & individual choice. Specific prescription – Globalisation – “Exporting democracy”
    In the name of Exporting democracy they are actually excluding individuality and individual choices.

  3. Loss of Community
    (Group of people with similar interest or values form a community).
    Globalisation introducing industrialization in developing countries.
    Reduction of political and economic boundaries. Movement of one industry from one place to other.
    Possibilities of exploring and establishing industry and its movement has become easy. Due to movement of industry. Shut down of industry in one place – their employment is distributed.
    Starting it somewhere – huge displacement of the people.
    Thousand years of habitations linked to their habits, occupation customs and folk…… etc. are permanently lost.
    Globalisation is bringing about McDonald Culture, MTV. Disturbing, Distorting the way of life in many parts of the world.

  4. Globalisation of Global Elite system
    (Global social & economic elite) Unipolar World. Political super government of the world at International level is G-8. Operational aim of Super government is (1) ertain International Institution (World Bank, IMF.
    Biggest of Corporates Giants with key political heads of G-8 they constitute the Global elite. There are now being supported in their hegemony by a group subservient comprador elite. Combinedly they are emerging as a group which controls every aspect of life of the people of across the world.
    Global elite is also choosing those political parties or people with whom they are comfortable.
    - promote those people as political heads who are working in tune of this Global Elite.
    - Nexus between Global elite and Subservient Comprador Elite.

  5. Increasing dependence of LDC over MDCs.
    Highly technology oriented : Need High skilled manpower. High Capital intensive.
    Developing countries are deficient in this respect. So, LDC are becoming more dependent on MDC.

Major Changes in coming up in the Era of Globalisation:

  1. In the era of Globalisation increasing prominence of Unilateral Supreme – National Institutions (IMF, WB etc.)

  2. There is more and more emergence of global issues – terrorism, Human Rights, Communalism, drug trafficking Naxalism etc.

  3. Information Age : Age of IT, communication etc. Strong information network.

  4. Shift from Government to Governance.

  5. Shift from Administrative state to competition state, Hallow State indifferent state, Marketised state.

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