(IGP) Special Current Affairs Material for IAS (Pre) 2013 - PIB "Topic:Design Clinic Scheme – Frequently Asked Questions"
(IGP) Special Current Affairs Material for IAS (Pre) 2013
Chapter: Gist of Press Information Bureau Articles
Topic: Design Clinic Scheme – Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What is Design Clinic Scheme?
The Design Clinic Scheme has been developed by the National Institute of Design (NID) for easy percolation of design thinking, philosophy and application among micro, small and medium enterprises for quality upgradation of their products, processes, operations, services and business through design intervention. The objective of the Scheme is to bring MSME clusters and design expertise to a common platform for solutions on real time design problems.
Q. Who all come under MSMEs?
Manufacturing/service enterprises which defined under the Micro Small & Medium Enterprises Development (MSMED) Act, 2006 and based on the limit for investment in plant and machinery/equipment for manufacturing/service enterprises as notified from time to time fall under MSMEs. The Scheme applies to enterprises within the clusters/industrial clusters approved by the DC MSME.
Q. What is the relevance of Design and how can Design help MSMEs ?
Design, innovation and growth are inter-linked to improved/diversify products for everyday use. Application of design solutions and processes helps MSMEs in increasing productivity, reducing costs and acceptability of products. Design as an innovative discipline helps MSMEs to sustain and grow in competitive market and provide new business opportunities.
Q. What are the broad areas of Design Clinic Scheme?
The following 3 modules are used for delivering the Scheme for design expertise to the MSMEs:
Design Awareness Seminars for design sensitization of MSME clusters
Design Awareness Programme consisting of
Addressing specific design needs of the MSMEs through Design Consultancy Projects (either by Design Experts or young (student) Designers) depending upon the needs of the MSMEs.
Q. What is Design Awareness Programme?
The Design Awareness Programme consist of
- Design Need Assessment Survey of the clusters and
- Provide spot solutions for the design problems and needs of the clusters in general.
- Why need Assessment Survey?
In order to understand the design needs and design problems of the cluster, the expert designer conduct an intensive design research to map the present scenario and opportunities for design intervention in the clusters through interactive learning, guidance and training. This serves as a base of addressing the general design needs of the cluster and working out design solutions in the following design Clinic Workshop.
Q. How do MSMEs benefit out of Design Clinic Workshop?
In the interactive workshop conducted by the Expert Designer, the cluster members learn the creative problem solving techniques/design process to explore opportunities and develop breakthrough solutions. Through interactive discussions and workshop activities, remedial solutions are generated. The workshop could be for 1-5 days depending upon the needs of the clusters and the numbers of units covered under Need Assessment Survey.
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