(IGP) Special Current Affairs Material for IAS (Pre) 2013 - PIB "Topic : NFCH For Promoting Communal Harmony Proactively"
(IGP) Special Current Affairs Material for IAS (Pre) 2013
Chapter: Gist of Press Information Bureau Articles
Topic: NFCH For Promoting Communal Harmony Proactively
Q. National Foundation for Communal Harmony (NFCH)?
The National Foundation for Communal Harmony (NFCH) is an organization under the aegis of the Ministry of Home Affairs which works towards maintaining communal harmony.
NFCH was registered on 19th February 1992 under the Societies Registration Act.
The Governing Council (GC) of the Foundation has 24 members, with the Union Home Minister as its Chairman.
The mandate of NFCH, inter-alia, includes undertaking programmes for providing assistance to the children of families affected by communal, caste, ethnic or terrorist violence; activities for promotion of communal harmony & national integration and encouraging activities to strengthen the bonds of unity and affinity among different religious and other groups.
In the 15th meeting of the Governing Council of the Foundation, held under the Chairmanship of the Union Home Minister on January 6, 2010, it was decided that a five-year ‘Vision Statement’ for NFCH should be prepared by a Committee. NFCH envisages a vision of ‘India free from communal or any other form of violence where all citizens especially children & youth live in peace & harmony’; with the mission ‘Building Communal Harmony, Strengthening National Integration and Promoting Unity in Diversity through collaborative social action, awareness programs, assistance to children affected by violence, interfaith dialogue & leadership for our Shared Security, Peace & Prosperity.’
Q. What are the strategic goals of NFCH?
NFCH strategic goals are:
Education & Awareness- Offering and supporting educational programmes for children and youth, public awareness, research and knowledge generation that will facilitate peaceful coexistence, mutual respect and trust;
Partnerships & Outreach- Creating greater impact by drawing on shared expertise and commitment of the partners and stakeholders at grassroots, state, national and international levels;
Recognition & Awards- Recognizing and awarding outstanding contribut ions of individuals and institutions for communal harmony, social cohesion and national integration;
Affirmative action for children affected by violence- Identifying children from communal, caste, ethnic & terrorist violence-affected areas, ensuring their rights to survival, protection, education, vocational training and development; and
Resource mobilization- Developing and fostering collaborative efforts including fund-raising with key stakeholders including Government, Public & Private Sectors and Civil Society.
Q. What are the key activities of NFCH?
To realize its goals, NFCH undertakes the following key activities:
Education & Awareness: This involves organizing seminars, workshops, debates, painting competitions, etc. to reach out to masses; introducing awareness generation programmes at school/university level; organizing an Annual Public Awareness Campaign on Peace & Harmony in partnership with other like-minded organizations; awarding fellowships & financial assistance for studies on communal harmony and national integration; initiating a media campaign for making people aware of the ill consequences of violence and communal clashes and their adverse effects on children and youth; and promoting community celebrations for peace and harmony by organizing interactive get-togethers at festivals and cultural programs.
Partnerships & Outreach: It organizes communal harmony campaigns - working with educational, governmental and religious organizations; identifies all the like-minded institutions in the country and makes a directory of individuals and academics who are active in this field; facilitates a ‘Volunteers for Peace & Harmony’ initiative which will provide people, particularly the youth, a chance to work for peace, communal harmony & national integration; partners with VOs/NGOs, RWAs to promote NFCH objectives; and develops and publishes books, films and audio-visuals aimed at promoting communal harmony & national integration.
Recognition: NFCH invites nominations to award individuals and organizations working towards promoting communal harmony and national integration; organizes meetings of the Jury, headed by the Vice-President of India and recognizes & awards outstanding contribution of an individual and organization every year.
Affirmative Action: NFCH takes affirmative action by way of providing financial assistance to children affected by communal, caste, ethnic and terrorist violence for their education; identifying fresh cases of children affected by societal violence; renewing assistance to existing cases of children and getting evaluation/impact assessment studies conducted.
Q. What is Volunteers for Peace & Harmony programme?
NFCH has recently launched the programme ‘Volunteers for Peace & Harmony’ (V for Peace-n-Harmony) to create a network of volunteers. Inspiration to set up a network of volunteers emanated mainly from the Gandhian concept that played a significant role in creating an atmosphere of peace and harmony.
The objectives of the Programme are: to create a network of volunteers to act as facilitators/ change agents for promoting social harmony, when peace and social cohesion between communities is disturbed as well as during peaceful times for inclusive development; to spread awareness on peace and harmony in their respective communities and neighborhoods; to strengthen the sense of unity in diversity amongst citizens of the country and to take active participation in the Communal Harmony Campaign Week from 19th-25th of November observed by NFCH every year in the country.
The minimum age to be a Volunteer is 15 years and minimum educational qualification is Class 10th. A volunteer is expected to possess the following qualities: love for people of the country, positive attitude, aptitude for knowledge/ skill-sharing and mentorship skills.
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