(IGP) Special Current Affairs Material for IAS (Pre) 2013 - PIB "Topic : Science & Technology in Pursuit of Excellence & Social Development"
(IGP) Special Current Affairs Material for IAS (Pre) 2013
Chapter: Gist of Press Information Bureau Articles
Topic: Science & Technology in Pursuit of Excellence & Social Development
Q. When DST was established?
Advancing science and technology and scientific knowledge is one of our loftiest pursuits. Established in May, 1971, the Department of Science & Technology (DST) bears the primary mandate to strengthen the foundation of science and technology (S&T) and research and development (R&D) in India.
Q. What is SERC and what are its roles and achievements?
Science and Engineering Research Council (SERC) is its flagship agency of DST. Science and Engineering Research Council (SERC) has enhanced the Indian capability and global visibility in research. It has created and nurtured competency in frontier areas of global standards especially like Plasma Physics; Structural Biology; Neuroscience, Organic Synthesis; Robotics & Manufacturing, Biomedical Engineering and so on.
SERC has emerged as a national model for a transparent & rigorous peer review mechanism. Under the SERC/PAC mechanism a total of about 530 new projects and support continued for about 1250 ongoing projects.
SERC supported research lead to about 1200 papers annually.
The R&D promotion is further intensified through innovative programmes such as Intensification of Research in High Priority Areas (IRHPA), Fund for Improvement of S&T Infrastructure in Universities and Higher Educational Institutions (FIST), FAST Track Young Scientist’s R&D programme and prestigious Fellowships bearing names of great Indian scientists like J.C Bose, Ramanujan, Ramanna, etc.
Q. What are the roles of Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB)?
The Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) functions as an autonomous body for funding research and partner’s DST in the development as well as promotional roles.
Mega Facilities For Basic Research are supported for internationally important high value projects, at the moment including continued participation in the CMS, ALICE and LHC GRID projects at CERN Geneva, Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) in Germany, India-based Neutrino Observatory, International Linear Collider Project, building a Beam Line at the Elletra Synchrotron Radiation Source in Italy, and building a Large Optical Telescope. Participation in Giant Segmented Mirror Telescope (GSM T) project is also envisaged.
Q. What are the objectives of Technology Development Programme (TDP)?
The Technology Development Programme (TDP), redesigned for implementation of convergent technology solutions to socially significant problems, aims at priorities like water security, solar energy and alternate fuels. Network initiatives, rather than individual demonstration of technology elements, have now been mounted.
Q. What are the achievements of Technology Development Programme (TDP)?
Some of the major achievements include: Development o f Human Pulse Detection and Analysis System for diagnosis by Ayurvedic Way ; Development of a Fluorescence based biosensor for detection of iron; Development of Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) based online instrument for quality assessment in Edible Oil Industry; Development of a continuous feed equipment for extraction of Aloe Vera Gel, and Real time evaluation of X-ray imaging based mango sorting system, Electrically enhanced Transdermal Drug Delivery System, and Development of Automatic Remote Accessible Rain-Gauge at IISc, Bangalore.
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