(IGP) Special Current Affairs Material for IAS (Pre) 2013 - PIB "Topic : Strengthening Secondary Education"
(IGP) Special Current Affairs Material for IAS (Pre) 2013
Chapter: Gist of Press Information Bureau Articles
Topic: Strengthening Secondary Education
The policy at present is to make secondary education of good quality available, accessible and affordable to all young persons in the age group of 14-18.At present, the following schemes targeted at secondary stage (i.e. class IX to XII) are being implemented in the form of Centrally Sponsored Schemes:
Q. Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan?
Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan was launched in 2009 with the objective to universalize access to secondary education and improve its quality.
The scheme envisages inter alia, to enhance the enrolment at secondary stage by providing a secondary school within a reasonable distance of any habitation, with an aim to ensure GER of 100% by 2017, i.e., by the end of 12th Five Year Plan and achieving universal retention by 2020.
Q. Model School Scheme?
The Model School scheme was launched in November 2008 in pursuance to the announcement of the Prime Minister in his Independence Day speech of 2007.
The Model School Scheme aims to provide quality education to talented rural children through setting up 6000 model schools as benchmark of excellence at block level at the rate of one school per block.
The scheme is under implementation since 2009-10. 3,500 schools are to be set up in as many educationally backward blocks (EBBs) through States/UTs. A total of 1956 model schools have so far been approved, out of which 438 have become functional. The modalities for the PPP Model schools were approved by the Government on 24 November, 2011 and 2500 model school are to be set up under the Public Private Partnership (PPP) Mode.
Q. What is Inclusive Education for Disabled at Secondary Stage scheme?
The Scheme of Inclusive Education for Disabled at Secondary Stage (IEDSS) was launched in 2009-10 replacing the earlier scheme of Integrated Education for Disabled Children (IEDC).
It provides assistance for the inclusive education of the disabled children in classes IX-XII. The aim of the Scheme is to enable all students with disabilities, after completing eight years of elementary schooling, to pursue further four years of secondary schooling (classes IX to XII) in an inclusive and enabling environment.
Central assistance for all items covered in the scheme is on 100 per cent basis. The State Governments are only required to make provisions for a scholarship of Rs. 600 per disabled child per annum.
Q. National Vocational Education Qualifications Framework (NVEQF)?
The HRD Ministry is seized with the problems of low rates of enrolment and school drop outs at Secondary and Higher Secondary levels and thereafter in Higher Education. The Ministry is in the process of developing the NVEQF.
The Framework would bring about uniformity in standards of vocational courses being offered, by registration of vocational qualification and accreditation of programmes and institutions. NVEQF levels will be introduced in Secondary and Higher Secondary Schools, Polytechnics, Universities & Colleges for seamless pathways and progression. The draft NVEQF has been formulated in consultation with State Governments as well as a Group of State Education Ministers.
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