(IGP) GS Paper 1 - Economic & Social Development - "Money Market & Capital Market In India : MCQ"
Integrated Guidance Programme of General Studies for IAS (Pre)
Subject - Economic and Social Development
Chapter - Money Market & Capital Market In India
1. Consider the following statements.
- Certificates of deposit (CD), commercial
paper (CP), Bill market are the instruments of money market.
- Call / Notice money is money borrowed or
lent for a very short period.
- Treasury Bills are short-term money market instruments, which are issued by the RBI on the behalf of GOI.
Which of the above statements is / are true ?
- 1 & 2 only
- 2 & 3 only
- 1, 2 & 3
- 1 & 3 only
2. Consider the following statements.
- A considerable part of the governments
borrowings takes place through Treasury Bills.
- Bonds with variable interest rates with a
fixed percentage over a benchmark rate is called floating Rate Bonds.
- The minimum investment in government securities is Rs. 10000.
Which of the above statements is / are true ?
- 1, 2 & 3
- 2 & 3 only
- 1 & 2 only
- 1 & 3 only