(IGP) GS Paper 1 - History of India & Indian National Movement - "Post Mauryan Period (200 B.C.-300 A.D. )"
Integrated Guidance Programme of General Studies for IAS (Pre) - 2013
Subject - History of India &
Indian National Movement
Chapter : Post Mauryan Period (200 B.C.-300 A.D. )
Foreign Rulers: Indo-Greeks
First contact - during the invasion of Alexander, 326-27 BC
Second contact - during the battle between Seleucas Nikator and Chandragupta Maurya 306 BC.
Chandragupta defeated Seleucas and a matrimonial alliance was established
First important Greek king was Demetrius.
He issued bilingual coins.
He was defeat by Pushyamitra Sunga. -
Greek king: Menander or Milinda.
His coins bear the image of Dhammachkra.
He accepted Buddhismi
The book Milinda-Panho is a collection of his questions and answers given by
His capital was Sakal and Sialkot
He was also defeated by Pushyamitra Sunga -
Important king: Antaaliokus.
His ambassador Heliodorus came to the court of a shunga king and created a garudadhwaj at Besnagar or Bhilsa and called himself a Parmbhagvat.
The Shakas
- His coins bear the image of Buddha and Shiva.
- His Junagarh / Girnar Inscription. 150 AD is the first inscription in Chaste Sanskrit.
The Pahalavas/Parthians
- The only important king was Gondophernes.
- St. Thomas reached India during his time.
The Kushavas
- They belonged to Yuechi tribe.
- Wima Kadiphises
- He adopted the title Devaputra which was inspired by the title Swargputra of the Chinese emperor.
- His capital was Purushpur (Peshawar).
- He introduced Saka era, 78 AD.
- His rule extended from Afghanistan to Mathura and Banaras.
- Being inspired by his teacher Parva he convened a Buddhist council at Kundalvana in Kashmir whose President was Vasumitra and Vice-President was Aswaghoasa. In the Council Mahavibhashsustra was compiled.
- He patronised Mathura Art and built a stupa at Purushpur. A headless statue of Kanishka has been discovered from village Mat in Mathura.
- His coins bear the images of Heracles, Sun, Moon, Shiva, Agni and Serapis.
- Nagarjuna, Charak and Mathur (a great diplomat) were associated with his court.
The Cheras
- Area - Kerala.
- Capital - Vanji/ Karur/ Karuvur at the month or on the river PERIYAR.
- Seaport - Musiri/Muziris, second important port was tondi.
- Titles - Vanavar, Villavar, Kudavar, Kuttuvar, Poraiyar, Malaiyar.
Tamil Works of Earliest Period
Written by Tolakapiyar, one of the 12 deciples of saint Agastya and who played dynamic role in Aryanisation of South India.
Work on Tamil grammer.
Founder of the Satavahana dynasty. -
Satakarni I
Adopted the title of 'Dakashinapathapati' -
Wrote Gathasaptashati / Sagtsati / Satsal in Paisachi Prakrit.
Gunadhya the writer of Brihat Katha in his court. -
Gautamiputra Satakarni
Called himself destroyer of Shalvas (Scythians), Yavanas (Greek) and Pahalavas (Parthians)
Called himself "Ekbrahmin". -
Yajna shri Shatakarni
His coins bear impression of 'ship', fish and shell.
Some Facts
Capital was Kanchipuram
Dynasty founded by Vishnugopa who was captured and then liberated by Samudragupta
However definite history of the dynasty begins with the accession of Simhavishnu in second half of 6th century. Important Kings.
Himself a dramatist and poet, wrote a play Mattavilasa Prahasan (the Delight of the drunkard), A burlesque
Adopted litter Vichitrachitta (Curious Minded)
Finest rock cut temples were built during his reign (e.g. temples at Mahabalipuram)
Known as Caitya-kari (Builder of Caityas & temples).
Adopted the little Matta-Vilas.
In 642 AD defeated ulkeshin II with the help of the king of Ceylon and sacked Vatapi, took back the territories which were under Mahendraverman.
Founded the city of Mamallapuram/ Mahabalipuram.
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Rajendra Chola I (1012 -1044 A.D.)
Title - Uttam Chola, Panditya Gangaikond Chola.
Chola expansionist policies continued
Battle of Koppam(1052):- In this battle he defeated Chalukya ruler Someshwar-I and killed him.
Adhi Rajendra:- He defeated Chalukya ruler Someshwar II in Kuval Sangamwar and killed him.
Kulotunga I :- (1070-1120 A.D.) He given the Patronisation of Adyar Kakkunllar who has written hole our Shilpadikani.
Administration of Chola:- Chola were famous for local self Government.Mandalam - State
Balnadu - District Nadu - Sub-District
Kurram - Group of Villages
Gram - Village.
Bahmani Kingdom
Established in 1347 A.D.
Founder - Allaudin Hussain Bahamansah (Hasan Gangu).
Capital - Gulbarga.
Firojsah Bahmani:-
He defeated Vijaynagar ruler. Devraja I and married with his daughter.
According to Farista he knew Urdu, Kannada, Marathi and Persian.
He has great interest in Astronomy and he built a Vedshala in Daulatabad.
Chandra Gupta I (319-335 A.D)
First Indian ruler who has taken title of Maharajadhiraj.
He issued Gupta Samvat. (319-20A.D).
He was married with Kumaridevi Princess of Lichehavi ruler.
On the coin of Chandragupta 1. One side had the picture of Kumaridevi and Chatidra Gupta I and on the otherside picture of Lakshmi and Lichawayah were written.
Samudra Gupta: (335-380 A.D)
V. A. Smith called him Napolian of India.
Title:- Kacha, Kaviraja, Kridant Parsu, Sarv-raja. Hero of 100. wars.
Chandragupta II chandragupta Bikramaditya. (389-412 A.D)
TitIe- Sakari, Sahshank, Devraj, Rajrajarshi, Param Bhagwat.
Chandragupta II was also called the lord of Ujjain and Patliputra. It seems that his another capital was Ujjain.
His Wife was Druvadevi.
Son Kumargupta.
His daughter Prabhayati was married to Vakatak ruler Rudrasen II.
During his tenure Fa4iien came India.
Nine gems of Chandragupta II court.
Amar Singh
Betal Bhatta
Skandhgupta (455-467 A.D)
Titles:- Vikrarnaditya, Sakraditya, Lord of hundred ruler.
Lord Vishnu and Laxmi were shown as wife husband on Skandh Gupta’s coin.
His vaisya officer Prandutta reconstract the Sudarshana Lake.
Bhitari inscription his victory over Hunas.
Administrative Setup
State(Country) Bhukti
District Vishay
Sub-District Vithi
Group of village Pethak
Village Gram
Type of land
Kshetra - Fertile land
Khil - Unfertile land
Aprabata - Forested land
Vastu - Habitable land.
(a) Aryabhatt- Aryabhattium, Suryasiddhanta.
He calculated the value of (n) which was 3.142.
He calculated perimeter of earth. 40,232 km.
He also discovered the location of status on the basis of Babilonians.
He also finded out the causes of solar and Lunar eclipses and said sun is fixed at point and earth is revolving around the sun.
He also said that earth is round.
(b) Varahmihir:-
Written Brihatjatak, Laghujatak and Panchsiddhantika.
(c) Brahmgupta:
He discovered that due to natural reason all the goods falls, down from upper level to lower level.
He Written Brahmasphutta.
Khand — Khandayanka.
Pushyabhuti Dynasty
Harshvardhan had written three plays. Priyadarshika, Nagananda, Ratnavali.
He had also written two Buddhist poems. (a) Suprabhat (b) Astamahasree Chaitya.
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