(IGP) GS Paper 1 - History of India & Indian National Movement - "The Sultans of Delhi"
Integrated Guidance Programme of General Studies for IAS (Pre) - 2013
Subject - History of India &
Indian National Movement
Chapter : The Sultans of Delhi
Qutubuddin Aibek
Founder of the Sultanate of Delhi, & the first Independent Muslim ruler.
A turk of ‘Aibak’ tribe which means ‘Lord of the moon’.
Founder of the Slave Dynasty.
Died whole playing Chaugan (Polo)
Laid the foundation of Qutab Minar after the name of a Sufi Saint Khawaja Qutubuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki.
Built tow mospues “Quwan-ul-Islam mosque” at Delhi and “Dhai Din ka Jhonapara” at Amer.
Shamsuddin Iltutmish
Real founder of Delhi Sultanate.
Introducced silver “Tankk’(175 grains) & ‘Jital’ two principal coins.
Completed the construction of Qutab Minar.
Created ‘Turkan-i-Chanhalagani’ a selected body of Trukish nobles.
Coming of Mongols under the leadership of Changiz Khan to the frontiers of India91220 AD)
Indroduced Iqta System in administration.
Declared Rajiya as his heir apparent.
Ghiasuddin Balban
Consolidator of the Sultanate of Delhi.
First Sultan to put forward his views about Kingship according to which the king was the shadow of God title Nvabat-i-khudui and inscribed –zillah on coins .
Created a separate military department (Diwan-i-Ariz) and appointed Kotwal.
Regulated court ceremonial after Persian mode, introduced Sijda ) prostration) Paibok 9 Kissing the monarach’s feet) and celebration of Persian ‘Nauroz’.(New year day)
Destroyed the ‘group of forty’ or chahalgani.
Belonged to the Ilbari tribe.
Adopted the policy of ‘Blood and Iron’ in governance
Alauddin Khalji
Like Balban. He believed that Sultan is Good’s representative on earth and declared himself second Alexander
The only man who could presume to advise the king was Ala-ul-mulk, the kotwal of Delhi.
During his time the army was directly recruited by the army minister (ariz— mamalik). It was paid in cash form the royal treasury. The pay of trooper was 234 tankas a year, while one with and additional horse was paid 78 tankas more, Ala-ud-din instituted the practice of recording the descriptive roll N Chehra (huliya) of individual soldiers and the branding of horses (dagh system).
For regulation and control over markets he instituted now official machinery, Diwan-iriyasat the head of entire market control system Shshna-i-mandi the superintendent of market, and Rais Parwana, the permit officer of markets.
Created a new department of revenue (Diwani- Mustakharaj) to realize arrears.
Introduced house tax and pasture tax, ghari/ charai respectively.
Built ‘Alai Darwaja’, ‘Siri fort’ Mahal-i-Hazar Situn’, “Zamait-e-khana mosque.”
Mohammad Bin Tughlaq
Formulated ‘famine-code’ to provide relief to famine-affected people.
Created the department of agriculture (Diwani- Amirkohi)
Is known as “Misture of opposites” or a mad king”.
Enhanced revenue or doab to one half of the produce.
Shifted capital from Delhi to Devagiri (rename, Daulatabad) in 1326-27.
Introduced token currency of copper and brass(1329-30)
Known as a ‘prince of moneyers’.
First sultan to advance loans known as sondhar to peasants for digging wells to extend cultivation.
Firoz Shah Tughlaq
Was a cousin of Mohammed Bin Tughlaq and was offered the crown by the nobles.
Made ‘Iqta system’ hereditary.
Founded several cities like Firozabad, Fatehabad, Hissar, Jaunpur, Firozpur etc.
Wrote the autobiography “Futuhat-i-Firogshahi”
Diwan-i-khairat was the special creation of Firoz for helping the poor Muslim parents in the marriage of their daughter. It was in charge of Sayyid Amir Miran.
The department Diwan-I-Bandgan was also a new creation of Firuz which administered the affairs of the slaves. Raised a huge force of slaves numbering 180000.
Sikandar Bahlul Lodi Ibrahim
Introduced a new gaz known as gaz-i-Sikandari of 32 digit.
He was fond of literature and poetry and wrote verses in Persian under the name of Ghirlakhi.
The main achievement of the Sultan was the conquest and annexation of Bihar.
Founder of Agra city in 1506 and made it his capital
Main Departments of the Sultanate
The head of the department was wazir who exercised general supervision over all departments & in particular the department was associated with the finance. -
Diwan –I-Arz
The head of the department was Ariz-imumalik
This was the military department.
Overall commander of the army was the Sultan. -
Diwan –I – Insha
The head of the department was Dabir-imumalik
Looked after state correspondence
Associated with issuing of farnans. -
Diwan-I- Risalat
The head of the department was Sasr-us-Sudur
Delhi and its different names through times
Allaudin Khalji constructed Siri Fort in 1303 AD.
Ghaisuddin Tughlaq built Tughlaqabad in 1321.
Md. Bin Tughlaq constructed Adilabad.
Md . Bin Tughlaq founded other city knows as jahanpanah.
Firoz Shah Tughlaq built Firozabad in 1354
Humayun constructed Dinpanah in 1533
Shershah built Purana Quilla at the site of Jahanpanah
Shahjanah founded Shajhanabad in 1684.
Amir Khusro
His real name was Abdul Hasan.
He created a new literary style in Persian which came to be known as Sabaq -I- Hindi
He composed verses in Hindi as well and paved the way for the development of Urdu
He lived through the reigns of six sultans - patronised by Jalaluddin Khalji Alauddin Khalji and Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq.
He was a disciple of Nizamuddin Auliya the famous Sufi saint of Chisti order.
He introduced numerous perso-arabic ragas–aiman sanam ghura etc.