(IGP) GS Paper 1 - Indian Polity & Governance - "Citizenship In India"
Integrated Guidance Programme of General Studies for IAS (Pre)
Subject - Indian Polity & Governance
Chapter - Citizenship In India
There are two classes of people in any country- citizens and aliens. Citizens enjoy all rights and entitlements while aliens (owing political allegiance to another country or government) are denied some of them.
What is Asylum ?
Asylum is the legal protection granted to people in any country who are afraid to return to their home country.
Expelling an alien is called deportation.
What is Domicile
Domicile means to stay in a country with the intention of making it his or her permanent home.
What is Resident ?
Resident is one who resided in the country for certain number of days- 182 days in the previous fiscal year as the Indian law defines.
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Modes of Acquiring Indian Citizenship:
Citizenship of India can be acquired by the following ways
- By Birth
- By descent
- By registration
- By naturalization
- By acquisition of territory
Loss of Citizenship:
It is based on the following grounds
- Voluntary
- Involuntary
One who has left a native country, especially for political reasons.
Expatriate (expat)
One who has left his country voluntarily
Stateless Persons
A stateless person is one with no citizenship or nationality.
Refugee is defined as a person who is outside his/her country and is unable or unwilling to return to that country because of a genuine fear that she/he will be persecuted because of race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership of a particular social group.
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