Mind Map for UPSC Exam (Women in Politics)
Mind Map for UPSC Exam (Women in Politics)
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Study Material for IAS Prelims: GS Paper -1 + CSAT Paper-2
Online Crash Course for UPSC PRE Exam
Mind Map Important Topics:
Women in Politics
Constitutional Provisions
- Art 326- Universal adult suffrage
- 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendment
- Art 15 and 16: Reservation and non-discrimination based on sex.
Historical Development
- Bharat stree mandal was formed in 1910 and focused on helping women
- In 1927, the All India women's conference was formed
- helpful in the passage of the Hindu code of bills between 1952 and 1960.
- Women were also active in the freedom movement
- Huge participation in Civil disobedience movement and Quit India Movement.
- New wave started after 1970's
- The Committee on the Status of Women in India released a report in 1974, and had a significant influence in the reemergence of activism towards gender equality.
- Illiteracy- Though literacy among women have improved it is still less than that of men.
- Sex ratio- Sex ratio in India has just started improving. It is 943/1000. However more alarming is child sex ratio at 914/1000
- Beto bachao Beth Padhao will help in developing future leaders.
- Physical and sexual violence discourages women to come into politics.
- Economic dependence on men is very big factor in developing women leadership.
Current Situation
Reservation to Public offices
- One third of seats are reserved in panchayat and municipal elections. While some states have increased to 50%.
- Bill for reservation of women in Parliament is still pending in Lok Sabha.
- Concerns remain in reserving seats for women in elected positions. Without training women become proxy for men.
Gender gap index of world economic forum.
- India ranked low at 87th place globally in terms of gender equality despite a jump of 21 places.
Women representation in parliament
- In the 16th Lok Sabha, 61 women leaders have made their way to the Parliament. This is the highest ever number of Lok Sabha seats won by women.
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Study Material for IAS Prelims: GS Paper -1 + CSAT Paper-2
Online Crash Course for UPSC PRE Exam
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