(Online Course) Essay Writing Skills Improvement Programme: Women Empowerment - A Reality or Myth
Part C - Essays on Social issues
Women Empowerment - A Reality or Myth
Answer: In the new millennium the Government of India had ushered by declaring the year 2001 as 'Women's Empowerment Year' to focus on a vision 'where women are equal partners like men'. The ability to exercise full control over one's actions is the most common explanation of 'women's empowerment'. The last decades have witnessed some basic changes in the status and role of women in our society. There has been shift in policy approaches from the concept of 'welfare' in the seventies to 'development' in the eighties and now to 'empowerment' in the nineties. This process has been further accelerated with some sections of women becoming increasingly self-conscious of their discrimination in several areas of family and public life. They are also in a position to mobilize themselves on issues that can affect their overall position.
Tulsidas' verse from Ramayana 'Dhol, janwar, shudra, pashu, nari ye sub nindan ke adhikari' highlights the discrimination and deep-rooted gender bias which still exists in all sectors on the basis of caste, community, religious affiliation and class. The Constitution of India grants equality to women in various fields of life. Yet a large number of women are either ill equipped or not in a position to propel themselves out of their traditionally unsatisfactory socio-economic conditions. They are often absorbed in the struggle to sustain the family physically and emotionally and as a rule are discouraged from taking interest in affairs outside home. Oppression and atrocities on women are still rampant. Patriarchy continues to be embedded in the social system in many parts of India, denying a majority of women the choice to decide on how they live. Female infanticide continues to be common. Statistics show that there is still a very high preference for a male child in states like UP, MP, Punjab etc. The male to female ratio is very high in these states. Domestic violence is also widespread and is also associated with dowry. Leaving a meager number of urban and sub-urban women, Indian women are still crying for social justice.
A review of government's various programmes for women empowerment such as Swashakti, Swayamsidha, Streeshakti, Balika samrudhi yojana and another two thousand projects reveal that little has been done or achieved through these programmes. The discrepancy in the ideology and practice of the empowerment policy of women in India constitutes its continued social, economic and social backwardness. Women make up 52% of our country's population. Hence there can be no progress unless their needs and interests are fully met. Empowerment would not hold any meaning unless they are made strong, alert and aware of their equal status in the society. Policies should be framed to bring them into the mainstream of society. It is important to educate the women. The need of the hour is to improve female literacy as education holds the key to development.
Women could be empowered through education, information Sharing and Training so that they realise their collective strength. This collective strength would be used to change the social situations to the benefit of women. Three programmes were launched in this direction-Women's Development Programme (WDP) in Rajasthan in 1984, Awareness Generation Programme (AGP) in 1986 and Education for Women's Equality (EWE) or Mahila Samakhya (MS) in 1989. The new approach identified the instrumentality of empowering women through organising them in groups, raising their level of awareness and providing them with social and economic support services. The empowerment of women necessitated a strong element of participation, which would enable them to acquire social, economic and political equality.
Women become empowered through collective reflection and decision making. Its parameters are-building in positive self-image and self-confidence; developing the ability to think critically; building up group cohesion and fostering decision-making and action; ensuring equal participation in the process of bringing about social change; encouraging group action in order to bring social change, providing the wherewithal for economic independence.
Education and training interventions were considered to be one of the most appropriate and potentially effective tools for the empowerment of rural women combined with effective linkages with other support services and activities. The principle aim of WDP was to empower women through communication of information, education and training and to enable them to recognise and improve their social and economic status.
Empowerment would become more relevant if women are educated, better informed and can take rational decisions. It is also necessary to sensitize the other sex towards women. It is important to usher in changes in societal attitudes and perceptions with regard to the role of women in different spheres of life. Adjustments have to be made in traditional gender specific performance of tasks. A woman needs to be physically healthy so that she is able to take challenges of equality. But it is sadly lacking in a majority of women especially in the rural areas. They have unequal access to basic health resources and lack adequate counseling. The result is an increasing risk of unwanted and early pregnancies, HIV infection and other sexually transmitted diseases. The greatest challenge is to recognize the obstacles that stand in the way of their right to good health. To be useful to the family, community and the society, women must be provided with health care facilities.
Most of the women work in agricultural sector either as
workers, in household farms or as wageworkers. Yet it is precisely livelihood in
agriculture that has tended to become more volatile and insecure in recent years
and women cultivators have therefore been negatively affected. The government's
policies for alleviating poverty have failed to produce any desirable results,
as women do not receive appropriate wages for their labour. There is also
significant amount of unpaid or non-marketed labor within the household. The
increase in gender disparity in wages in the urban areas is also quite marked as
it results from the employment of women in different and lower paying
activities. They are exploited at various levels. They should be provided with
proper wages and work at par with men so that their status can be elevated in
In recent years there have been explicit moves to increase women's political
participation. The Women's reservation policy bill is however a very sad story
as it is repeatedly being scuttled in parliament. In the Panchayati Raj system,
however, women have been given representation as a sign of political
empowerment. There are many elected women representatives at the village council
level. However their power is restricted, as it the men who wield all the
authority. Their decisions are often over-ruled by the government machinery. It
is crucial to train and give real power to these women leaders so that they can
catalyst change in their villages regarding women. All this shows that the
process of gender equality and women's empowerment still has a long way to go
and may even have become more difficult in the recent years.
The main reason for the contradiction is that, targeted schemes tend to have only limited impact when the basic thrust of development is not reaching an average woman, making her life more fragile and vulnerable. To make a positive change basic infrastructure should be provided in every village and city. To begin with, providing safe drinking water supply and better sanitation not only directly improved the lives and health of women but also reduces their workload in terms of provisioning and ensuring such facilities. An access to affordable cooking fuel reduces the need to travel long distances in search of fuel wood. Improved transport connecting villages with each other and with towns can also directly improve living conditions as well as unpaid labour time spent in transporting household items. It can also lead to access to a wider range of goods and services plus a better access to health facilities. Expenditure on food subsidy and better provisions for public distribution services directly affects the lives of women and girl children in terms of adequate nutrition. The patterns of resource mobilization by government also have significant effects on women that are usually not recognized. When taxes are regressive and fall disproportionately on items of mass consumption, once again these tend to affect women more. This is not only because the consumption of such items may be curtailed but also because the provisioning of such items is frequently considered to be the responsibility of the women of the household. Also credit policies reduce the flow of credit to small-scale enterprises thus reducing the employment opportunities for women. There is a need to have women-friendly economic policies that can enhance their social and economic position and make them self-reliant.
Development of Women have always been the central focus of planning since Independence, there is no doubt about the fact. Empowerment is a major step in this direction but it has to be seen in a relational context. A clear vision is needed to remove the obstacles to the path of women's emancipation both from the government and women themselves. Efforts should be directed towards all round development of each and every section of Indian women by giving them their due share.
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