(Online Course) Contemporary Issues for IAS Mains 2012: The Hindu - Conquering Malaria
The Hindu
Conquering Malaria
Q. Write a short notes on Malaria (in the context of WHO & British Medical Journal’s Report)
Answer: When the World Health Organisation published its revised guidelines for malaria treatment in March 2010, just four years after it came out with its maiden version, an editorial in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) was quick to highlight its significance. It was a “testament of how quickly
The battle against mosquitoes can be won when an efficacious
vaccine becomes available. Interim results of a Phase-III trial undertaken in
seven African countries on more than 15,000 children of two age groups — 6 to 12
weeks and 5 to 17 months — show some promise. Fiftyfive per cent protection was
seen in children belonging to the older age group. However, efficacy declined
with time, and adverse events like meningitis and seizures were observed in the
vaccinated children. Although complete results will be available only by 2014,
WHO has taken the “unusual step of recommending” the vaccine for use in some
African countries by 2015 if
the final results turn out to be favourable, as The New England Journal of
Medicine notes in an editorial. In the absence of a vaccine, insecticide-treated
mosquito nets and indoor spraying will continue to be the two potent preventive
weapons. Though the preventive tools were able to cut malaria cases and deaths
by half in 11 African countries, the malaria control programme could be declared
successful only when the disease ceases to be a mass killer in Africa and
South-East Asia.
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