Daily Special Current Affairs Material for IAS (Pre) 2013 - Topic: "Solar India"
Daily Special Current Affairs Material for IAS (Pre) 2013
Chapter: Science & Technology
Topic: Solar India
There are energy shortages of 10-13% daily almost everywhere in the country. The back-up power of emergency generators and inverters could be supplied by solar energy. Solar has the potential to transform the Indian economy in the same way as the Information Technology (IT).
Q. Why solar energy is significant for India?
India is a tropical country, where sunshine is available for longer hours per day and in great intensity. Solar energy, therefore, has great potential as future energy source.
India is endowed with vast solar energy potential. About 5,000 trillion kWh per year energy is incident over India’s land area with most parts receiving 4-7 kWh per sq. m per day.
India is blessed with about an estimated 5000 TWh of solar radiation. This vast resource can be tapped to meet the growing energy demand.
It also has the advantage of permitting the decentralized distribution of energy, thereby empowering people at the grassroots level”. Solar is currently high on absolute costs compared to other sources of power such as coal.
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Q. What are the main targets of solar mission?
- The Mission has set an ambitious target to create an enabling policy framework for the deployment of 20,000 MW of solar power by 2022 and to ramp up capacity of grid-connected solar power generation to 1000 MW.
- The National Solar Mission has targeted to deploy 20 million solar lighting systems for rural areas by 2022.
- The Solar Mission has set a target of 1000 MW by 2017, which may appear small, but its reach will add up to bringing changes in millions of households .
- For the first phase, a target has been fixed to set up 1,100 MW of grid connected solar power plants by March, 2013.
Q. Where has been set up Asia’s first and largest solar park?
Asia’s first and largest Solar Park has been set up at Charanka in Gujarat. The 3000 acre state of the art park has generation capacity of 500 MW with training facilities as well.
Q. Which state of India is in lead role in solar power?
Gujarat has taken the lead in solar power generation and has been contributing 2/3rds of total 900 MW solar power generated in the country. The state government is also working on a solar energy policy, which is likely to be launched soon.
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