(IGP) Special Current Affairs Material for IAS (Pre) 2013 - PIB "Topic:E-Procurement System For Transparent Governance"
(IGP) Special Current Affairs Material for IAS (Pre) 2013
Chapter: Gist of Press Information Bureau Articles
Topic: E-Procurement System For Transparent Governance
Q. What is GePNIC?
NIC has developed a generic e-Procurement solution called GePNIC (Government e- Procurement system from NIC) which can easily be adopted by the government organizations for all kinds of procurement activities such as Goods, Services and Works.
The main functionalities covered under GePNIC are - Registration of Government officials under different roles; Registration of Bidders; Tender Creation (Multiple Covers) and Publishing; Publishing of Corrigendum and decisions of Pre-bid meeting; Online Bid submission by the Bidders; Online Tender opening and decryption of Bids at various stages; Evaluation of Tenders; and Award of Contract.
The GePNIC system has strong in-built security features including two-factor Authentication with Digital Signature Certificates (DSCs) as per IT Act, usage of Secured Socket Layer (SSL), Role-based User Access and Bid-encryption at client-end using PKI technologies. The GePNIC system has been security audited by STQC and other third party agencies.
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