(IGP) GS Paper 1 - Indian Polity & Governance - "Directive Principles of State Policy"
Integrated Guidance Programme of General Studies for IAS (Pre)
Subject - Indian Polity & Governance
Chapter - Directive Principles of State Policy
Directive Principles of State Policy
Directive Principles of State Policy are contained in Part IV of the Indian Constitution in Art.37-51. These are instructions/directions given to all present and future governments in India-federal and state governments to make policies and legislation incorporating these principles.
DPSPs and Socialism
DPSPs that are socialistically oriented are
- Art. 38
- Art. 39
- Art. 41
- Art. 42
- Art. 43
- Art. 45
- Art. 46
Gandhian Principles
Gandhian ideology are found in the DPSPs in the following Articles of the Constitution
- Art. 40( Panchayatraj)
- Art. 43 (Village and cottage industries)
- Art. 47 (prohibition)
- Art. 48 (banning of cow slaughter)
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DPSPs and Social Integration
DPSPs contain instructions to the Government to eradicate these social imbalances with public policy-
- Protection and development of children (Art. 39 and 45)
- Art. 42 (maternity relief)
- Art. 44 (uniform civil code)
- Art. 46 (welfare of weaker sections)
- Art. 47 (improvement of health standards)
International Relations
The state shall:
- Promote international peace and security
- Aim at the settlement of international disputes by arbitration.
- Also aim at maintaining just and honourable relations with other countries.
Characteristics of DPSPs
- Amplification of Preamble
- Socio-economic justice
- Guidelines for public policy
- Non-justiciable
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