(IGP) GS Paper 1 - History of India & Indian National Movement - "Gupta & Post-Gupta Period - Society, Economy & Polity"
Integrated Guidance Programme of General Studies for IAS (Pre) - 2013
Subject - History of India &
Indian National Movement
Chapter : Gupta & Post-Gupta Period: Society,
Economy & Polity
Taxes in Gupta Period
Sulka - Customs & tolls
Sadbhaga - Land revenue (Ref. Kautilya)
Bhaga - Royal share of produce 1/6 of the total, first reference in Arthashastra
Bhoga - Periodica l supplies of fruit, flowers, firewood etc. to the king(in the nature of kings rights & privileges)
a) A type of land revenue
b) A tpetty cess besides kings normal share-Arthasastra
c) Additional & oppressive tax- Ref. Jaakas
d) Emergency tax from which chief Ministers were exempted –ref. Millind Panho -
Bhaga Bhoga- Landrevenue and supplies of first flower etc. to the king.
Various Commentary & Bhasya
- Vishwarup wrote a commentary known as Balasera on Yavjnavalkya’s Smriti.
- Megatithi wrote a commentary on Manusmriti
- Bhattaswami wrote a commentary known as Pratipada Panchika on Kautilya’s Arth Shastra. It was completed by Vishnugupta.
- Vijananeshwar wrote a commentary known as Mitakshara (on civil Law) on Yajnavlkya’s law book.
Facts about ancient literature
1. Various texts were written
- First text of Sanskrit grammer is Ashtadhyayi (500BC) by Panini. There are 8 chapters and 400 sutras in it.
- In 200 BC Patanjali wrote the Mahabhashya on the grammar of Panini.
- In 700 AD Kashika was written by jayaditya and Vaman on A shtadhyayi.
2. Pachtantra is the earliest story collection.
- It is compiled by Vishnu Sharma.
- This book is of Gupta period.
3. Hitopadesh is second famous collection of Indian stories.
- Its writer is Narayan
4. Abhijanashkuntalamis the best text of Kalidas.
- It contains the description of king Dushyant of (Hastinapur)
5. Two famous plays of Vishkhadutta are Mudrarakshasa and Devichandraguptam
- In Mudarakshas there is a description of Chandragupta Maurya and in Devichandraguptam description of Gpata ruler Ramgupta.
6. Mrichchhkatika is written by Shudrak.
- This is a social play.
- It contains the love storey of Brahman charudata and the famous courtesan of Ujjayani, Vasantsena.
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Sixteen Mahajanpadas (600 BC)
Mahajanapadas |
Capital |
1. Gandhara |
Taxila |
2. Kamboja |
3. Assaka (Ashrka) |
Potna |
4. Vatsa |
Kaushambi (on the bank of river Yamuna) |
5. Avanti |
Ujjain |
6. Shurasena |
Mathura |
7. Chedi |
8. Malla |
Kushinara |
9. Kurus |
Hastinapur |
10 Panchala |
11. Matsya |
Viratanagara |
12. Vajjis (A confederacy of republic) |
Vaishali |
13. Anga |
Champa |
14. Kashi |
Banaras |
15. Kosala |
Sravasti |
16. Magadha |
Girivraja or
Rajagriha (1st Capital), |
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