Mind Map for UPSC Exam (BCIM)
Mind Map for UPSC Exam (BCIM)
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Study Material for IAS Prelims: GS Paper -1 + CSAT Paper-2
Online Crash Course for UPSC PRE Exam
Mind Map Important Topics:
About BCIM
- The concept of economic cooperation within the BCIM region was first developed by Professor Rehman Sobhan
- Bangladesh, China, India and Myanmar Economic Corridor is an initiative conceptualised for significant gains through sub-regional economic cooperation
- The multi-modal corridor will be the first expressway between India and China and will pass through Myanmar and Bangladesh.
- The proposed corridor will cover 1.65 million square kilometres, from China's Yunnan province, Bangladesh, Myanmar, and West Bengal
- It will have combination of road, rail, water and air linkages in the region
- Conceived in the 1990s, the BCIM was formally endorsed by the four countries in December 2013 and is viewed as a part of the OBOR connectivity projects.
Importance of BCIM to India
- India will benefit in terms of the development of the Kolkata port and the opening up of the economic potential of the northeast states
- The BCIM region is one of the richest in the world in terms of natural, mineral and other resources.
- The region covers 9% of the world’s total area, 7.3% of the global gross domestic product and involves 440 million people.
- The BCIM has the potential to generate enormous economic benefits in the arena of trade, investment, energy, transport and communication.
- BCIM corridor would greatly help in the development of North-East region of the country.
- India's tourism will get a special boost because of this corridor
- Through linking the ASEAN Free Trade Area, ASEAN-China Free Trade Area and the ASEAN-India Free Trade Area, the corridor would constitute as one of the largest free trade areas.
Concerns with Project
- Integration of this area would be very difficultdue to various countries involded in it also due to very challenging geographical landscape
- Ethnic insurgencies, terrorism, drug trafficking andother problems would come after the opening ofcorridor.
- Belt and road project of china and BCIM corridor's have similarfocus area, which leads to China's giving less priority to the corridor
- It will also provide China direct and unfettered access to Bay of Bengal which has geopolitical implications
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Study Material for IAS Prelims: GS Paper -1 + CSAT Paper-2
Online Crash Course for UPSC PRE Exam
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