Some Do’s & Don’ts in Public Administration Preparation

Some Do’s & Don’ts in Public Administration Preparation

To have right orientation towards the subject

Do not read too many books minimize the number of books you read for Public Administration & revise them several times.

Use general studies knowledge in Public Administration papers.

Rely on news papers reading & revise our notes as many time as possible.

Do not aiming at mugging up of quotes, technical terms and unnecessarily using of thinker names.

Write in paragraph, there must be a logical flow in your answers.

Use diagram, flow chart, graphs in your answers.

Where ever possible, you must underline the key sentences.

Maintains a single line approach towards both the papers of Public Administration.

Study topic wise from your syllabus and finish your topics rather than books.

Follow these important website of:–

  • Wikipedia
  • NDMA
  • NHRC
  • CGA
  • PIB

Presentation of answer is extremely important to score well in Public Administration.

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