(Online Test Series) Download General Studies Mains : MOCK Test - 2
- Time allowed: 3 Hours
- Maximum marks: 300
1. Answer any one of the following in about 250 words. : (30 Marks)
a) Naxalism and Maoism are social economic problem, so mere military and
administrative actions won’t sort out the problems. Analyse the problem and
suggest measures.
b) Issue of women empowerment will have far reaching impact on Indian
society and culture. Discuss.
c) Internal security of India is no more mere national issue. Examine the
statement and work out design to tackle the problem.
2. Answer any two of the following in about 150 words
each. (20X2=40 Marks)
a) Should capital punishment be abolished? Put your views.
b) Compare Gandhian and Nehruvian model of education. How do you see
present reform in education system of India. Answer with arguments.
c) National Rural Health Mission is not able to maintain its own health. Do
you agree? Suggest effective measures.
3. Answer any two of the following in about 100 words
each. (15X2=30 Marks)
a) Recognizing live-in relationship, homosexuality and premarital sex
may be serious threat to moral values and marriage institution of Indian
society. Examine.
b) Caste and community based census will serve purpose of vote bank
politics only. Comment.
c) Impact areas of development must be taken into account while executing
development schemes. Explain.
4. Write an essay on any one of the following in about 800
words. (200 Marks)
a) Nehru’s model of Politics and Policy- Have we lost?
b) Let Society and Culture go in their own way!
c) Failure of Law Enforcement is root cause of Problems.
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