UPSC Mains 2017 Public Administration Optional Categorised Analysis (Paper-1)

 UPSC Mains 2017 Public Administration Optional Categorised Analysis (Paper-1)


UPSC Mains 2017 Public Administration Optional Categorised Paper -1

Section - A

Q1) Answer the following questions in about 150 words each:10×5=50

  1. Even after 130 years of its publication, Woodrow Wilson’s essay “The Study of Administration” continues to have great relevance even today.”(Introduction)

  2. “What is distinctive about the Classic al and Human Relations Schools of thought administration is their complementarity to each other “. Analyse.(Administrative Thought)

  3. “Conflict is the appearance of differences –the difference of opinion s and of interest”. (Mary Parker Follet).(Administrative Thought)

  4. “Leaders do the right things; managers do them rightfully” –(Warren Bennis) . Is this distinction by him valid ?(Administrative Behaviour)

  5. “Administrative Law is recognized by its substance rather than its form .” Discuss.(Administrative Law)

Q2). 20+15+15 marks

  1. New Public Management has been branded by certain scholars as ‘Neo-Taylorism’ . Is it a justified comparison? What factors have led to the decline of NPM as soon after its birth?.(Introduction)

  2. “Abraham Maslow’s ‘ Hierarchy of Needs’ and Frederick Herzberg’s “Two Factor Theory” have commonalities in the analysis of human motivation .” Comment.(Administrative Behaviour)

  3. Civil Society supplement s and complements the State. However, its capacity and role depend upon the will of the State. Comment(Accountability and Control)

Q3). 20+ 15+ 15 marks

  1. The Participative Management School of Argyris and Likert advocates democracy within the administrative system. Will this approach be equally useful to developing countries with evolving democracies?(Administrative Behaviour)

  2. “Executive position imply a complex morality and require a high capacity of responsibility” – (Chester Bernand). Comment(Administrative Thought)

  3. When the media is controlled by vested interest s, how can it control the vested interests in the government? How can the media become more responsible and impartial?(Accountability and Control)

Q4). 20+15+15 marks

  1. “With every major transformation in the applied world of Public Administration , the study of Public Administration has grown in scope and intensity.” Discuss the relationship between the evolution of the discipline and profession of Public Administration.(Introduction)

  2. "Systems Theory" in essence is not a theory , but an approach to the study of administrative phenomena .”Comment.(Organisations)

  3. The principle of delegated legislation is, I think right, but I was emphasise that it is well for Parliament to keep a watchful and even zealous eye on it at all stages “- (Herbert Morrison ) Analyze.(Administrative Law)

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Q5) Answer the following questions in about 150 words each: 10×5=50

  1. “Budgeting is apolitical process” – (Aaron Wildavsky).(Financial Administration)

  2. “Development Administration and Administrative Development have a chicken and egg kind of relationship”.-(Riggs) . Elabo.(Comparative Public Administration)

  3. “Digitalization provides great impetus to E-governance .”(Techniques of Administrative Improvement)

  4. “360 degree performance appraisal system is a rational idea, but it involves complex and inauthentic procedures”. How can it be made foolproof ?(Financial Administration)

  5. “A large public debt forces the adoption of tax and spending policies that result into higher taxes and reduced services.” Analyze (Financial Administration)

Q6). 20+15+15 marks

  1. “Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization have transformed the nature of development administration .” Discuss (Development Dynamics)

  2. “Lateral entry of competent experts into the government will promote freshness and innovation, but it can create problems of accountability.” (Personnel Administration)

  3. “There can be no performance auditing without performance budgeting “. (Financial Administration)

Q7). 20+15+15 marks

  1.  “The Riggsian models of Fusion –Prismatic-Diffracted Societies and their administrative systems have been inspired by Max Weber’s typology of Traditional Charismatic Legal-Rational Authorities .” Analyze (Comparative Public Administration)
  2. “Bureaucracy has inbuilt limitations to act as the prime catalyst to multi-faceted development in a democratic country”. Analyze this statement with appropriate examples. (Development Dynamics)
  3. Can be say that statutory audit and social audit are two sides of the same coin? Or, are they separate coins with varying values? (Accountability and Control)

Q8). 20+15+15 marks

  1. “Various components of Human Resource Management a re inter-related .” Discuss  (Personnel Administration)
  2. “Administrative ethics includes the code of conduct of civil servants, but goes beyond it as well.” Discuss  (Personnel Administration)
  3. “Off all the processes involved in public policy, implementation is of greatest importance.”Examine the impediments in policy implementation  (Public Policy)
Paper – I       No. of Qs   Total Marks
Introduction 03 50
Administrative Thought 03 35
Administrative Behaviour 03 45
Organisations    01 15
Accountability and Control 03 45
Administrative Law 02 25
CPA  02 30
Development Dynamics 02 35
Personnel Administration 03 50
Public Policy  01 15
Techniques of Administrative Improvement 01 10
Financial Administration 04 45

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