ANSWER SHEET : Andhra Bank Special Officers Solved Paper (Reasoning Ability)
ANSWER SHEET : Andhra Bank Special Officers Solved Paper (Reasoning Ability)
of 1 - 75
Answers with Explanation :
(A) H H H Þ (4 + 2 + 1) = 7
H H Þ (2 + 1) = 3
(H H H) ´ (H H)
= 7 ´ 3 = 21
= (16 + 0 + 4 + 0 + 1)
= H l H l H
2. (C) 20% of 45 = 9
= (8 + 0 + 0 + 1)
= H l l H
03. (E) 7 = 4 + 2 + 1
= H H H
04. (B) (H H l) + (H l H H)
= (4 + 2 + 0) + (8 + 0 + 2 + 1)
= 6 + 11 = 17
= (16 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1)
= H l l l H
05. (D) H l H l Þ (8 + 0 + 2 + 0)
= 10
06. (E) Only lotus is a water flower.
07. (C) As ‘Jackal’ is ‘Carnivorous’ in the same way ‘Goat’ is a
08. (B) The colour of ‘Grass’ is ‘green’ and ‘green’ is called
‘black’. Hence the colour of ‘Grass’ is black.
09. (D) R A I D Þ % # H $
and R I P E Þ % H @ ©
D E A R Þ $ © # %
10. (A) As ‘Radish’ is related to ‘Root’ in the same way ‘Brinjal’
is related to ‘Fruit’.
11. (D) The data even in both the statements I and II are not sufficient to
answer the question.
12. (E) From I and II,
36 $ 4 H 8 = 36 ÷ 4 ´ 8
= 8 = 72
13. (C) From I,
15 + l l l l l + 10
Sudhir Samir
Samir’s rank from the top is 20th.
From II, 12 + l l l l + 14
Neeta Samir
Samir’s rank from the top is 16th.
14. (A) From I, N > Q > F > L, G
Hence N was the first to reach the college.
From II, N > F, G
and F > L
There is no any information regarding Q.
15. (E) From I,
‘she is fat’ ® ‘he ra ca’
From II, ‘fat boy’ ® ‘ra ka’
From I and II,
‘fat’ ® ra
16. (D) 17. (A) 18. (A) 19. (B) 20. (D)
21. (C) 22. (A) 23. (D) 24. (E) 25. (B)
26. (D) G # H Þ G ≤ H
H $ K Þ H ≥ K
and K @ M Þ K > M
G ≤ H ≥ K > M
I. M # G Þ M ≤ G (False)
II. G & M Þ G <>
(A) F $ D Þ F ≥ D H # M Þ H ≤ M and M % D Þ M = D \ F ≥ D =
M ≥ H I. F $ H Þ F ≥ H (True) II. F @ H Þ F > H (False)
28. (D) R & M Þ R < m =" Q"> Q (False)
29. (E) F # R Þ F ≤ R
Q $ R Þ Q ≥ R
and Q & M Þ Q <>
30. (C) D & T Þ D < m =" T">
31. (B) E % H Þ E = H H $ M Þ H ≥ M and M # Q Þ M ≤ Q \ E = H ≥ M ≤ Q I. H $ Q Þ H ≥ Q (False) II. E $ M Þ E ≥ M (True)
(E) S # A Þ S ≤ A S @ T Þ S > T
and L & T Þ L <> L (True)
33. (A) G $ J Þ G ≥ J
J @ K Þ J > K
and K % N Þ K = N
G ≥ J > K = N
I. G @ N Þ G > N (True)
II. G % N Þ G = N (False)
34. (B) L $ 3 and B # 1
35. (A)
36. (B) After dropping all the vowels we get,
Here 13th element from the right is 7 and fifth element to the right of 7 is G.
37. (A) On reversing the first ten elements we get,
11th element from the left is ‘3’ and the third element to the left of
‘3’ is ‘D’.
38. (D)
39. (C) F E B and J U V
40. (E) 8th element from the left is ‘%’ and 10th element from the right is
G. The element exactly midway betwe'en ‘%’ and ‘G’ is ‘F’.
41. (D) Batch II do lean window out of not
Batch III do lean not win-dow out of
Batch IV do lean not of window out
42. (B) Input please do not delay the matter
Batch I delay please do not the matter
Batch II delay do please not the matter
Batch III delay do matter please not the
43. (D)
44. (E) Batch II children for not is good watching television
Batch III children for good not is watching television
Batch IV children for good is not watching television
Batch V children for good is not television watching
45. (C) Input necessary arrange-
ments have already been made
Batch I already necessary arrangements have been made
Batch II already arrange-ments necessary have been made
Batch III already arrange-ments been neces-sary have made
Batch IV already arrange-ments been have necessary made
Batch V already arrange-ments been have made necessary
This is the last batch.
46. (D) Ms. Suneeta fulfils all the conditions. Hence she is to be selected.
47. (A) Rakesh Rao fulfils all the conditions except (iv) but he has been
working as a software manager for the last 6 years so according to (b) his case
is to be referred to V.P.
48. (A) Ram Kumar fulfils all the conditions except (iv) but he has been working
as a software manager for the last 6 years so according to (b) his case is to be
referred to V.P.
49. (C) Since the marks obtained by Nishant in graduation are not given. So the
data provided is not sufficient to take a decision.
50. (E) Kalyani is a Telecommuni-cation engineer. Hence she is not to be
51. (C) The marks of graduation is not given. So data is inadequate to take the
52. (D) Abhijit fulfils all the condi-tions. Hence he is to be selected.
53. (D) Giridhar fulfils all the condi-tions. Hence he is to be selected.
54. (E) Nikita does not fulfil the condition V. Hence she is not to be selected.
55. (B) Mr. Rajan does not fulfil the condition (i) But he passed the
Electronics Engineering will more than 65%. Hence according to (a) his case is
to be referred to G.M.
56. (D) 57. (B) 58. (C) 59. (A) 60. (E)
61. (B) 62. (E) 63. (E) 64. (D) 65. (B)
66. (C) 67. (A) 68. (B)
69. (E) Input yes 21 far 32 17 12 wide goal
Step I 12 yes 21 far 32 17 wide goal
Step II 12 yes 17 21 far 32 wide goal
Step III 12 yes 17 wide 21 far 32 goal
Step IV 12 yes 17 wide 21 goal far 32
Step V 12 yes 17 wide 21 goal 32 far
70. (D) Step IV 17 hotel 29 father 83 76 door eye
Step V 17 hotel 29 father 76 83 door eye
Step VI 17 hotel 29 father 76 eye 83 door
There will be no VII step.
71. (E) Step III 25 win 32 85 73 tax break home
Step IV 25 win 32 tax 85 73 break home
Step V 25 win 32 tax 73 85 break home
Step VI 25 win 32 tax 73 home 85 break
To complete the rearrange-ment there will be 3 more steps.
72. (A) Step III 37 yellow 42 61 53 violet green red
Step IV 37 yellow 42 violet 61 53 green red
Step V 37 yellow 42 violet 53 61 green red
Step VI 37 yellow 42 violet 53 red 61 green
Hence to complete the rearrange-ment 3 more steps will be required.
73. (A) Input can you go there 22 36 13 46
Step I 13 can you go there 22 36 46
Step II 13 you can go there 22 36 46
Step III 13 you 22 can go there 36 46
Step IV 13 you 22 there can go 36 46
Step V 13 you 22 there 36 can go 46
Step VI 13 you 22 there 36 go can 46
Step VII 13 you 22 there 36 go 46 can
Hence to complete the rearrange-ment 7 steps will be required.
74. (B) Input 42 36 go and come back 20 15
Step I 15 42 36 go and come back 20
Step II 15 go 42 36 and come back 20
Step III 15 go 20 42 36 and come back
Step IV 15 go 20 come 42 36 and back
Step V 15 go 20 come 36 42 and back
Step VI 15 go 20 come 36 back 42 and
The last but one step is V.
75. (D)