[ PAPER ] Anthropology - Civil Services Examination - 1997 (Main) (Paper I & II)
Anthropology - 1997 (Main) (Paper - I)
Time Allowed : Three Hours
Maximum Marks : 300
Candidates should attempt questions from Section I and EITHER from Section II (a) OR Section II (b) according to instructions given under each Section. Answer six questions in all.
Note: Answer any three questions
including question 1, which is compulsory
Write notes on any two of the following in about 200 words each :
(a) Ecological Anthropology
(b) Biological evolution of early man
(c) Problems of dating in Prehistoric Archaeology
2. Elucidate the salient differences between tribal social system and caste system giving suitable examples in support of your answer .
3. Discuss the distinguishing features of unilineal, bilineal and bilateral kin groups with suitable examples.
4. Delinneate the meaning and scope of economic anthropology and discuss the principles that govern production, distribution and consumption in hunting and gathering communities.
5. Critically examine the anthropological approaches to planning and socioeconomic development among the weaker sections of the Indian society, highlighting the issues of macro- planning in anthropology
Note: Answer any three questions
including question 6, which is compulsory
Write notes on any two of the following in about 200 words each :
(a) Anthropology of Sports
(b) Homo habbits
(c) Longitudinal growth
7. Discuss the gradualist view of evolutionary change vis-a-vis the punctualitionalist view giving an example from primate evolution that supports one view or the other.
8. Discuss the concept of