[ PAPER ] Anthropology - Civil Services Examination - 1998 (Main) (Paper I & II)

Anthropology - 1998 (Main) (Paper - I)

Time Allowed : Three Hours                                                             Maximum Marks : 300

Candidates should attempt questions from Section I and EITHER from Section II (a) OR Section II (b) according to instructions given under each Section. Answer six questions in all.     
All questions carry equal marks.

            SECTION I   
Note : Answer any three questions including question 1, which is compulsory.
1. Write notes on any two of the following in about 200 words each :

(a) Caste mobility        

(b) Witchcraft and sorcery

(c) Pithecanthropus erectus

2. Neolithic is a 'self-sufficient food producing economy.' Critically examine this expression.

3. Do you agree with the view that family is a 'universal association'? Critically examine the above statement.

4. Now we live more in a class than a caste. Discuss the role of kinship in this changed situation.

5. 'Primitive society is governed by the traditional customary law. ' Do you agree with this  statement ? Explain.

            SECTION II (a)
Note : Answer any three questions including question 6, which is compulsory .
6. Writes notes on any two of the following in about 200 words each :

(a) Genetic counselling

(b) Mutation

(c) Growth curves

7. What is