[ PAPER ] Anthropology - Civil Services Examination - 1999 (Main) (Paper I & II)
Anthropology - 1999 (Main) (Paper - I)>
Time Allowed : Three Hours
Maximum Marks : 300
Candidates should attempt questions from Section I and
EITHER from Section II (a) OR Section II (b) according to instruction given
under each Section. Answer six questions in all.
All questions carry equal marks.
Note: Answer any Three questions
including question 1, which is compulsory
1. Write
notes on any two of the following in about 200 words each :
(a) Action anthropology
(b) Fossil men
(c) Carbon dating method
2. Discuss the relationship of anthropology with psychology and medicine.
3. Critically comment on the forces and factors that have brought about changes in the family structure in recent times.
4. Describe any chaleolithic site in India with particular reference to industry and town planning.
5. Discuss some of the characteristic features of tribal religions in India and state how far have they changed in recent times.
Section II (a)
Note : Answer any Three questions
including question 6, which is compulsory.
6. Write
notes on any two of the following in about 200 words each :
(a) Australopithecus
(b) Racial criteria
(c) Molecular evolution
7. Discuss the application of human genetics in the field of forensic science and diagnosis and treatment of genetic disorders.
8. What is meant by physical growth norms ? How are these made and how do they depict the growth status of a population ?
9. Discuss the mechanism by which the human body adapts to altitudinal changes and other geographical stresses.
10. Discuss the role of twins in nature-nurture problems and illustrate your answer with suitable examples.
Section II (b)
Note : Answer any Three questions
including question 11, which is compulsory.
Write notes on any two of the following in about 200 words each :
(a) Social structure
(b) Symbolism
(c) Culture trait and Culture complex
12. What is meant by functionalism ? Discuss the basic tenets of Malinowski's functionalism.
13. Discuss the different theories which explain social and cultural changes.
14. Discuss the contribution of field work in the development of anthropological concepts and theories.
15. Discuss the contributions of Ralph Linton, Core-Du- Bois and Abraham Kardiner in the study of personality.
Anthropology - 1999 (Main) (Paper - II)
Candidates should attempt questions 1and
5 which is compulsory, and any three of the remaining questions selecting
at least one from each Section.
All questions carry equal marks.
Section A
Write notes on any three of the following in about 200 words each :
(a) Proto-Neolithic
(b) Great Traditions
(c) Sacred Complex
(d) Dominant Caste
2. Critically examine various sources of India's culture and civilization. Also distinguish between primary and secondary civilization.
3. Point out the salient features of traditional joint family system in India. Trace causes for its disintegration in recent decades.
4. Distinguish between sanskritization and desanskritization. Critically examine impact of sanskritization on social mobility in India.
Write notes on any three of the following in about 200 words each :
(a) Tribal Sub-Plan
(b) Sustainable Development
(c)Jharkhand Movement
(d) Land Alienation in tribal India
6. Critically examine the forest policy in India right since the British period. Discuss its impact on tribal people.
7. Bring out, with suitable examples, the constraints of educational development of tribal communities in India. Suggest remedial measures in this context.
8. Discuss the problem of tribal displacement in India. To what extent, are development policies responsible for such displacement ? Also explain the role of NGOs in providing the remedial measures to the affected people.