[ PAPER ] Psychology (Anthropology) - Civil Services Examination - 1999 (Main) (Paper I & II)
Psychology - 1999 (Main) (Paper - I)
Time Allowed : Three
Hours Maximum Marks : 300
Candidates should attempt Questions 1 and 5 which are compulsory
and any three of the remaining questions selecting at least one question from
each Section.
All questions carry equal marks.
Answer any three of the following in not more than 200 words each :
(a) What
is Reminiscene ? Discuss this phenomenon in terms of interference processes.
(b) Is it necessary to conceptualize self as a determinant of behaviour besides heredity and environment ? Give real life examples to support your contention.
(c) Explain the scanning and the focusing strategies in attainment of concepts.
(d) Give your arguments in support of claiming psychology a science.
2. Why is psychological experiment described as observation under controlled conditions ? Explain, with illustration, the difference between control-groups and within-subjects designs of experiment.
3. What are perceptual styles ? Evaluate attempts to conceptualise them as personality variables.
4. Describe, in brief, the typical classical and operant conditioning experiments. Comment on the nature of reinforcement in the two. Are they basically different ?
Answer any three of the following in not more than 200 words each :
Which model of man is most suited and relevant to behaviour modification ?
(b) State and evaluate the Drive-reduction theory of motivation. Has it any relevance to homeostasis?
(c) Discuss the importance of military psychology highlighting the functions of psychologists in the aviation sphere.
(d) Can attitudes be changed ? Discuss the factors to be considered in changing attitudes.
6. Explain the concept of intelligence quotient. Has it outlived its utility for explaining individual differences ? Is the concept of emotional quotient (EQ) more useful in this regard ?
7. Elucidate Freud's conceptualization of human personality. discuss its implications for counselling therapy.
8. Elucidate the main features of Skinner's and Chomsky's theory of language development and indicate their application.
Psychology - 1999 (Main) (Paper - II)
Candidates should attempt Questions 1
and 5 which are compulsory and any three of the remaining questions
selecting at least one question from each Section. All questions carry equal
Answer any three of the following each answer should not exceed 200 words :
Describe the steps and procedures involved in construction of psychological
(b) Discuss the common characteristics of psychopathic personality.
(c) Discuss the techniques of motivating industrial employees with particular reference to Herzberg's theory of work motivation.
(d) Briefly discuss the major theoretical explanations for group formation in the organization set-up.
2. Describe Beck's cognitive behaviour therapy for the treatment of depression.
3. What is social change ? Describe the relevant psychological factors that need to be considered while planning for social change.
4. Discuss the relevance of traditional and modern participative management techniques in the Indian industry.
Answer any three of the following in not more than 200 words each :
Describe the characteristics of a learner, which make learning effective.
(b) Discuss the socio-cultural approaches for understanding the origins of ethnic prejudice and discrimination.
(c) Enumerate the methods for improving the effectiveness of upward communication in the organization.
(d) Mention the physical, psychological and behavioural consequences of stress.
6. Describe the specific socio-cultural deprivation of Tribals of India as a socially and culturally disadvantage group.
7. Critically evaluate McClelland's 'achievement motivation theory' and discuss its relevance in the Indian context.
8. Discuss the relative effectiveness of mass media in creating social awareness and social change.
Can anyone explain me some