(Coaching) Pre IAS Training Center Kolhapur, Maharashtra
Pre IAS Training Center Kolhapur, Maharashtra
Name of the Head: Dr. A. S. Parit, Incharge Director
Entrance Test:
Base on (UPSC) General Study – Marks 100
Available Seats: 60 candidates
Advertisement: Published in the month of October
Admission Form: Admission form free, Information Boucher Rs. 50/-
Available Seats: 60 candidates
Starting of Course: Month of January till Prelim Examination
Duration of Course: Month of January till May.
Stipend: Rs.1000/-
Phone No.: (0231)-2528351Address :
Pre I.A.S. Training Centre,
Gymkhana Building,
Kolhapur - 416 004
Ph. No. - 0231 - 2528351