Current Affairs for IAS, UPSC, Civil Services Exams PDF Download
Current Affairs For IAS, Civil Services Exams PDF Download
Dear Students,
Current Affairs plays a very important role in covering UPSC Syllabus for IAS exams. Lots of Questions are coming from current affairs every year.
Our effort is to make aspirant understand the basic concepts of each section and to empower you to tackle topics in efficient manner.
The material is prepared keeping in mind, The requirements of UPSC Prelims, Mains Exams and Interview. The material is adequate for tackling the current affairs section at all levels.
Over the years, questions on current affairs has changed from just familiarity of the particular development to the historical background and in-depth knowledge of that development. Hence it is important for the candidates to understand various aspects of Topics and their effect on various areas.
We have tried to fulfill this requirement by preparing this Study material with help of various National and International newspapers like The Hindu, Indian express, Press Information Bureau (PIB), World Focus, Various Govt of India websites, Research Papers, Global Reports etc.
This Online Course is must for every IAS Aspirant. You need to Signup Here to get regular updates and download pdf copy. Your valuable suggestion and active participation will help us to improve the course and will also strengthen our motive to help you in your noble journey.
It is necessary to expend the scope of various topics within the section of current affairs because syllabus is defined in very general term. We have listed following topics, Which will cover the scope of current affairs section.
UPSC Exams Current Affairs in English
Monthly Gist of The Hindu, Yojana, Kurukshetra, Press Information Bureau & Science Reporter
(VIDEO) Rajya Sabha TV : 'The Big Picture' Debate
(VIDEO) Lok Sabha TV : Insight Discussion
NEW! The Gist of The Hindu, Yojana, Kurukshetra, PIB (Monthly PDF)
Current Affairs HOT TOPICS for UPSC EXAMS
The Gist of The Hindu, Yojana, Kurukshetra, PIB & Science Reporter (1 Year Subscription - "Only PDF")
Current Public Administration (Indispensable for Public Administration and General Studies)
Other Important Links
IAS Current Affairs in HINDI (हिन्दी)