(Exam Info) State PSC : Orissa Public Service Commissions
Orissa Public Service Commissions
The Orissa Public Service Commission was established nearly five
decades back - on April 1, 1949 as a result of the former Bihar and Orissa Joint
Public Service Commission. The commission is mainly entrusted with the work of
short listing and recruiting candidates to the various services of the Orissa
It commenced its function with just three members including a chairman. Over the
years, the commission has not only gained experienced in the selection of
candidates to the various posts but has also strengthen its team from three to
six. The commission’s all activities are carried out from its office at Cuttack.
The Commission undertakes following four activities :- Advises framing of recruitment rules and its amendments with regard to the recruitment and conditions of service of Group 'B' posts/services carrying scale of pay of Rs. 6500-200-10,500/- and above and Group 'A' posts/services.
- Advises punishment proposed by the disciplinary authority in finalisation of departmental proceedings under the Orissa Civil Services (Classification, Control & Appeal) Rules, 1962 read with Rule 7 of the Orissa Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 1992.
- Advises matters relating to promotion of officers and fixation of inter seniority etc., with regard to officers of Group 'B' carrying pay scale of Rs. 6500-200-10,500/- and above and all Group 'A' officers.
- Recruitment of candidates to different posts/services belonging to Group
'B' and above under the State Government.
- Through competitive examination and viva voce test as prescribed in the concerned recruitment rules; and
- Through viva voce test only.
The Commission comprises of a Chairman and five other Members to look after its various functions and activities. Presently the commission comprises just two members besides the chairman.
- Sri Suchit Das ,IPS(Retd), Chairman
- Dr. (Mrs.) Priyatama Singh,Member
- Sri Digambar Shatapathy,Member
Scheme and Subjects:
The Scheme of Examination- The Competitive Examination shall comprise as follows, namely :-
- Preliminary Examination,
- Main Examination,
- Personality Test or Interview.
- Candidates who will qualify in the Preliminary Examination, shall be called by the Commission, to appear in the Main Examination. The qualifying marks in the Preliminary Examination shall be such as may be fixed by the Commission. The marks obtained in the Preliminary Examination shall not be counted for ranking. The Main Examination shall comprise Oriya Language, English, English Essay, General Studies-I & II papers, two optional subjects having two papers each as prescribed in Scheduled-III.
- Candidates who obtain such minimum qualifying marks in the Main Examination as may be fixed by the Commission at their discretion shall be called forpersonality test. The personality test or interview shall carry 250 Marks and no minimum qualifying marks for personality test or interview shall be fixed. Total marks thus obtained by the candidates in the written examination and personality test or interview would determine their ranking. Candidates shall be allotted to the various services keeping in view their ranks in the examination and the preferences indicated by them for various services.
Subjects for the Examination
The Preliminary Examination
This shall consist of two papers of objective type (Multiple choice questions)
and each paper shall be of two hours duration –
Paper - I General Studies … 150 Marks
Paper - II One subject to be selected from … 300 Marks
the following Optional Subjects.Total -
450 Marks
- Agriculture
- Agricultural Engineering
- Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science
- Anthropology
- Botany
- Chemistry
- Civil Engineering
- Commerce & Accountancy
- Economics
- Electrical Engineering
- Education
- Forestry
- Fisheries Science
- Geography
- Geology
- Home Science
- History
- Law
- Management
- Mathematics
- li Mechanical Engineering
- Philosophy
- Physics
- Political Science & International Relations
- Psychology
- Public Administration
- Sociology
- Statistics
- Zoology
- The scope of the syllabi for optional subject papers for the Preliminary/MainExamination is broadly of the Honours Degree level, i.e., a level higher thanthe Bachelors Degree and lower than the Masters Degree. In the case ofEngineering and Law, the level corresponds to the Bachelors’ Degree.
- The Preliminary Examination is meant to serve as screening test only. Themarks obtained in Preliminary Examination by the candidates who aredeclared qualified for admission to main examination will not be countedfor determining their final order of merit. The number of candidates to beadmitted to the Main Examination would be 12 times of the total number ofvacancies advertised. Only those candidates who are declared by theCommission to have qualified in Preliminary Examination against aparticular advertisement will be eligible for admission to the MainExamination against the said advertisement.
The Main Examination shall consist of the following papers and each paper shall beof three hours duration.
Paper – I Oriya Language … 300 Marks
Paper – II English … 300 Marks
Paper – III English Essay … 200 Marks
Paper – IV General Studies-I … 300 Marks
Paper – V General Studies-II … 300 Marks
Paper – VI, VII, Any two subjects to be … 300 Marks for each paper
VIII & IX. selected from the list of optional subjects set out below. Each subject will have two papers.Personality Test or Interview shall carry … 250 Marks
List of Optional Subjects for Main Examination
- Agriculture
- Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science
- Anthropology
- Agricultural Engineering
- Botany
- Chemistry
- Civil Engineering
- Commerce & Accountancy
- Economics
- Electrical Engineering
- Education
- Fisheries Science
- Forestry
- Geography
- Geology
- Home Science
- History
- Indian Language & Literature (any one)
(a) Oriya, (b) Hindi, (c) Sanskrit, (d) English, (e) Persian, (f) Urdu. - Law
- Management
- Mathematics
- Mechanical Engineering
- Philosophy
- Physics
- Political Science & International Relations
- Public Administration
- Psychology
- Sociology
- Statistics
- Zoology
- Candidates shall not be allowed to opt for the following combinations of
optional subjects.
- Oriya, Hindi, Persian, Sanskrit, Urdu, English
- Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Agricultural Engineering
- Mathematics & Statistics
- Anthropology & Sociology
- Political Science & International Relations and Public Administration.
- Commerce & Accountancy and Management.
- Agriculture and Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science
- Management and Public Administration
- Education and Psychology
- Agriculture and Agricultural Engineering.
- Each of the Papers i.e. Paper-I (Oriya language) and Paper-
- II (English) will be ofMatriculation standard and shall be qualifying in nature. The marks obtained in these two papers shall not be counted for ranking.
- The papers on Essay, General Studies and Optional Subjects of only those candidates shall be evaluated who attain such minimum standard as may be fixed by the Commission at their discretion for the qualifying papers in Oriya Language andEnglish.
- The question papers for the Main Examination shall be of conventional (essay) type.
- Candidates shall have to answer all the question papers except the Indian Languages paper in English.
- The question papers other than Indian Language and Literature shall be set in English.
- The details of syllabi are to be set out by the Commission.
Preliminary Exam Syllabus:
Main Exam Syllabus:
Compulsory Subjects
- Oriya Language
- English
- Agricultural Engineering
- Agriculture
- Animal Husbandry And Veterinary Science
- Anthropology
- Botany
- Chemistry
- Civil Engineering
- Commerce and Accountancy
- Economics
- Education
- Electrical Engineering
- Fishery Science
- English
- Forestry
- Geography
- Geology
- Hindi
- History
- Home Science
- Law
- Mathematics
- Management
- Mechanical Engineering
- Oriya
- Persian
- Philosophy
- Physics
- Political Science & International Relations
- Psychology
- Public Administration
- Sanskrit
- Sociology
- Statistics
- Urdu
- Zoology
Recruitment through competitive exams and personality test1. | Orissa Civil Services | General Administrative Department |
2 | Orissa Judicial Services | Law Department |
3 | Junior Lecturer in different disciplines in Class-II of O.E.S. (Higher Secondary) | Higher Education |
4 | Asst. Director, Bureau of Statistics & Economics | Planning & Co-ordination |
5 | Public Prosecutor | Home Department |
6 | Addl. Public Prosecutor | Home Department |
7 | Asst. Public Prosecutor | Home Department |
8 | Orissa Education Service, Class-II (School Branch) | School & Mass Education |
Recruitment Through Personality Test
1 | Professors in differentdisciplines in O.E.S. Class - I |
2 | Principal Grade 1 in differentColleges of Education Department in Class - I |
3 | Reader in different disciplinesin Class - I |
4 | Lecturers in differentdisciplines in Class - II |
5 | Lecturers in differentdisciplines in Class - II of Orissa Technical Education Service |
6 | Lecturer in ComputerApplication, Class - II |
7 | Assistant Director, Textiles,Class - II |
8 | Assistant Director, Seri-Culture |
9 | Dental Surgeon, Class - II ofOrissa Medical Service |
10 | Insurance Medical Officer, Class- II , Orissa State Medical Insurance Service |
11 | Assistant Soil ConservationOfficer, Class - II |
12 | Junior Town Planner, Class- II Town Planning Service |
13 | Assistant Town Planner, Class - I (Junior) |
14 | Clinical Psychologist, Class -II under Health Department |
15 | Lecturer in Pharmacy (Non-MedicalTeachers), Class - II , Health Deptt |
16 | Lecturer in Utkal SangeetaMahavidyalaya, Class - II |
17 | Junior Teacher ( Lecturer) indifferent disciplines in Class- II of Orissa Medical Education Service |
18 | Assistant Surgeons, Class - II |
19 | Assistant Engineers, Class - II |
20 | Mining Officer, Class - II |
21 | Geologist, Class - II |
22 | Motor Vehicle Inspector, Class -II |
23 | Drug Inspector |
24 | Inspector of Factories &Boilers |
25 | Assistant Director, Technical,Class - II , Directorate of Printing, Stationery & Publications |
26 | Such other Class-II/Class-Iposts as may be required by the Government |
Eligibility Criteria:
Age :- Candidates shall be less than thirty-two years and more than twenty-one years of age on the 1st August of the year in which applications are invited,
- Where applications have not been invited by the commission during any particular year to fill up the vacancies of that year, the applicants who would have been eligible during that year for the examination shall be eligible to compete for that particular examination, whenever conducted in future.
- The maximum age-limit relaxation for the candidate belonging to Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe is five years.
- The upper age-limit for candidates belonging to back ward classes is relaxed by three years.
- The upper age-limit in case of women candidates is also relaxed by five years.
- The upper age-limit in case of candidates, who are Ex-Servicemen, is relaxed in accordance with the Orissa Ex-Servicemen (Recruitment to State Civil Services and Posts) Rules, 1985.
- A Bachelor’s Degree from a central or state University.
- Educational Institution established by an act of Parliament or deemed to be a University under Section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956.
- A foreign University approved by the Central Government from time to time
Contact Details:
19, DR. P.K. Parija Road
Cuttack - 753001, Orissa
Tel. No. (0671) – 2305611, 2304141
E-mail : opsc[at]ori.nic.in
Website : http://opsc.nic.in