NEW! The Gist (AUG-24) | E-BOOKS
(Notification) IES/ISS Examination 2010 to start from December 4
IES/ISS Examination 2010 to start from December 4
Union Public Service Commission will hold the Indian Economic
Service/Indian Statistical Service Examination (IES/ISS), 2010 from 4th
December 2010 for recruitment to Grade IV of the Indian Economic Service and
Indian Statistical Service. The examination will be held at various centers
across the country.
For details regarding eligibility conditions, the syllabus and scheme of the
examination, centers of examination, guidelines for filling up application
form etc. aspirants must consult the detailed notice of the examination
published in the employment News/Rozgar Samachar dated 05th June, 2010.
The minimum age for the candidates is 21 years and the maximum 30 years as
on 1st January 2010. The upper age limit is relaxable for Scheduled
Casters/Scheduled Tribes/Other Backward Classes/Physically Handicapped and
certain other categories of candidates to the extent specified in the
Notice. A candidate for the Indian Economic Service must have obtained a
Post-Graduate degree in Economics/Applied Economics/Business
Economics/econometrics and a candidate for the Indian Statistical Service
must have obtained a Post-graduate degree in Statistics/Mathematical
Statistics/Applied Statistics from a recognized University.
The Candidates who wish to apply offline, must apply in the Common
Application Form devised by the Commission for its examinations, which can
be purchased from the designated Head Post Offices/Post Offices throughout
the country against cash payment of Rs.Twenty only. In case of any
difficulty in obtaining Application Forms from the designated HPOs/Pos, the
candidates should contact the concerned Post Master or UPSC’s “Forms Supply
Monitoring Cell” over Telephone No.01123389366/ Fax No.01123387310.
Candidates can also apply online using the link Online Applications can be filled upto 28th
June, 2010 till 11.59 P.M. after which the link will be disabled.
All offline applications must reach the “Secretary, Union Public Service
Commission, Dholpur House, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi – 110069” either by
hand or by Post/Speed Post or by Courier, on or before the 5th July, 2010.
However, in respect of candidates residing abroad or in certain remote
areas, the last date for receipt of applications by Post/Speed Post only is
12th July, 2010.
In case of any guidance/information/clarification regarding the application,
candidature etc. candidate can contact UPSC’s Facilitation Counter in its
campus in person or over Telephone
Nos.011-23385271/01123381125/01123098543 during working hours.
Courtesy: PIB