(Exam Info) UPSC: Geologists Exam Work with the Geological Survey of India
UPSC: Geologists Exam Work with the Geological Survey of India
THE Geologists’ Exam, a specialist one, is the only purely scientific service for which UPSC conducts an exam. A throwback to the colonial times, geologists form the core of administration’s ability to locate and exploit natural resources. Conducted at 19 centres across India, the exam is followed by a Personality Test conducted by UPSC for those shortlisted.
The minimum educational qualification is a Master's degree in Geology or Applied Geology or Marine Geology from a recognised university.
Those with Diploma of Associateship in Applied geology can also apply. Candidates with Master's in Mineral Exploration are eligible for GSI only while Master’s degree holders in Hydrgeology are eligible only for CGWB.
Fees: Rs. 100 payable through a single Central Recruitment Fee Stamp. Fee is exempted for all SC & ST candidates.
the Exam:
Part-I: Candidates need to appear in
the following essay-type papers: General English (100 marks, 2 hours) and
four conventional papers on Geology (I, II, III, & Hydrogeology- 200 marks
each, 3 hours). Those who compete for posts under both GSI & CGWB need to
appear in all the five papers while those who opt for GSI only need not
appear for Hydrogeology. Similarly candidates opting only for CGWB need not
appear in Geology Paper III.
The standard of papers in English is that of a science graduate level, while
the standard of papers in other subjects is that Master’s with focus on
Paper on Geology I comprises syllabus of geomorphology and remote sensing;
structural geology; geotectonics; stratigraphy & palaeontology. Geology II
entails areas of mineralogy; igneous and metamorphic petrology;
sedimentology; geochemistry & environmental geology. Paper III has questions
from Indian mineral deposits & mineral economics; ore genesis; exploration;
engineering of geology and geology of fuels. Paper on hydrogeology covers
the syllabus on origin, occurence & distribution of water; well hydraulics &
design; groundwater chemistry; groundwater exploration and problems of
groundwater management.
Part II: Interview carries 200 marks and focuses on candidate's capacity for leadership & intellectual curiosity, mental & physical energy, powers of practical application, integrity & aptitude for adapting themselves to the field life.
Courtesy: Mynews.in