(Paper) G.I.C. (General Insurance Corporation of India) Assistant Mananger Exam 2008 Solved Paper
Paper : G.I.C. (General Insurance Corporation of India) Assistant Mananger Exam 2008 Solved Paper
General Awareness
1. The foreign trade policy announced in the year 2004 was announced for a period of ____
(A) two years
(B) three years
(C) four years
(D) five years
(E) ten years
Ans (D)
2. As per reports in the newspapers the Indian Rupee is appreciating these days. What does it really mean it ?
(1) The value of the Rupee has gone up. It is now 110 paise and not 100 paise.
(2) The exchange rate of Rupee has gone up.
(3) Now we can purchase more in one Rupee which was not possible earlier.
(A) Only 1
(B) Only 2
(C) Only 3
(D) Both 1 & 2
(E) None of these
Ans (B)
3. As per newspaper reports the inflation in India and China was at very high level . In such a situation the central Banks of these countries are required to follow _____
(A) a more liberal credit policy
(B) a very tight credit policy
(C) create an atmosphere of easy liquidity in the market.
(D) raise the limits of personal and corporate income taxes.
(E) None of these
Ans (B)
4. The US Federal Reserve had recently reduced the interest rates by 150 basis points in the last few months. This was done because ____
(A) US was going into recession.
(B) Inflation was high in countries like India and China hence a correction in economic policies by all the countries was needed.
(C) Euro had become more attractive currency, hence US wanted to save dollars from further depreciation.
(D) Iraq had bacome a very lucrative destination for foreign investment . US does not want it to happen.
(E) None of these
Ans (A)
5. The Stock market index of London Stock Market is referred as _____
(A) Sensex
(B) Footsie (FTSE)
(D) Bullish
(E) None of these
Ans (B)
6. As we all know Ministry of Finance every year prepare Union Budget and present it to the parliament . Which of the following is / are the elements of the Union Budget ?
(1) Estimates of revenue and capital receipts.
(2) Ways and MeAns to raise the revenue.
(3) Estimates of expenditure.
(A) Only 1
(B) Only 2
(C) Only 3
(D) All 1,2 & 3
(E) None of these
Ans (D)
7. Which of the following is NOT used as raw material for production of nuclear power?
(A) Uranium
(B) Barylium
(C) Zirconium
(D) Sodium
(E) All these are used
Ans (A)
8. As per figure released recently , the GDP growth in the last two years has been in the range of ____
(A) 6%-7%
(B) 7%-8%
(C) 8%-9%
(D) 9%-9.5%
(E) 10%-11%
Ans (D)
9. Sri Lankan Monitoring Mission (SLMM) has Nordic Monitors from five nations. Which of the following is NOT one of them?
(A) India
(B) Sweden
(C) Norway
(D) Denmark
(E) Iceland
Ans (A)
10.Many a times we read a term in financial newspaper GDR. What is the full form of the same?
(A) Gross Domestic Revenue
(B) Global Domestic Ratio
(C) Global Depository Receipts
(D) Gross Depository Revenue
(E) None of these
Ans (C)
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