[ PAPER ] General Studies - 1998 (Main) (Paper - I) & (Paper - II)
General Studies - 1998 (Main) (Paper - I) |
Time Allowed : Three
Hours Maximum
Marks : 300 2. Answer any two of the following
15 x 2 =30 (a) Why did the moderates lose appeal with the Indians and failed to elicit desired response from the British? (b) How did the Policy of free trade hurt Indian textile industry and crafts in the latter half of the 19th century? (c) Trace the origins of the R.N.I. Mutiny and evaluate its impact on the political situation in India. 3. Answer any three of the
10 x 3 =30 (a) Examine the ideas of Rabindranath Tagore on democracy. (b) How did the Swadeshi Movement in Bengal influence the nationalist politics? (c) What was the significance of the Prajamandal movements in the Indian States in the decade preceding India's independence? (d) Assess the role of C. Rajagopalachari during the pre-partition years of Indian public life. 4. (a) What do you know about the
following :
2 x 15 =30 (b) Why have the following become
famous? (c) Write about the chief fatures
of the following :
SECTION II 6. Attempt any three of the
10 x 3 =30 (a) Examine the fall out of population explosion in India at the close of twentieth century. (b) Discuss the justification for the creation of new states in U.P. and Bihir. (c) What are the reasons for the slow progress of SAPTA? (d) Describe the problem of KOSOVO. (e) What is ASEAN PLUS? What is its nature and duty? 7. Attempt any five of following
6 x 5 =30 (a) What were the circumstances leading to the promulgation of Prasar Bharati ordinance in August 1998? (b) Who has claimed the responsibility for the recent bomb attacks on American embassies at Nairobi and Dar Es Salam? What are their demands? (c) What is the significance of Pope John Paul II's visit to Cuba? (d) What are the significant features of Lokpal Bill recently introduced in the Lok Sabha? (e) Why was a variant of Basmati rice in news recently? (f) What solution has been arrived at recently in the Cauvery water dispute? (g) Bring out the issues involved in the appointments and transfer of judges of the Supreme Court and high Courts in India. 8. (a) Explain the following
2 x 15 =30 (b) What do you know about the
SECTION III 10. (a) The following table shows
annual profits (Rs. in crores) of two investment companies A and B during
the given 5 years : (b) An investor bought shares of a company at a premium of Rs. 20. If the par value of the share is Rs. 120 and the company declares 21% dividend in a given year, find the rate of interest received by the investor. 11. (a) Mention, in each of the
following cases, the most appropriate diagram to represent the data
5 (b) The following table shows the IQ scores of adolescents aged 15-17 years:
Find : 12. (a) State whether the
following statements are true or false.
General Studies - 1998 (Main) (Paper - II) |
Time Allowed : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 300 Candidates should attempt questions from all the Section I, II, and III. The number of marks carried by each question is indicated at the end of the question.
SECTION- I 2. (a)
�The past 50 years of development in India were
characterised by planning but the next 50 years of development would be led
by the market.� Comment. (About
250 words)
40 3. (a)
What is remote sensing? What are its uses especially in the
Indian context?
(About 250 words)
40 4. Answer any
TWO of the following :- (a) Highlight the significance of the Seventy-third Amendment to the Constitution of India. (b) How are the States formed in India? Why have the demands of separate States like those of Vidarbha, Telangana etc. not been considered by the Government recently? (c) On what grounds the Legislative Councils are justified? How is it created or abolished in a State? (d) Differentiate and state the significance of general election, mid-term election and by-election. 5. Answer any
TWO of the following :- (a) What are the main reasons for industrial sickness in India? How can it be overcome? (b) �Infrastructure bottlenecks continue to stifle the economic growth in India.� Comment. (c) Comment on the view that Monetary Policy in India is used more as a stabilisation device rather than as a development tool. (d) What has been the role of NRIs in the economic development of India in the recent past? 6.
Answer any TWO of the following :- (a) What are the geo-economic causes of underdevelopment of various regions in India? (b) Which parts of India have been identified as draughtprone? Mention the norms for such identification. (c) Describe the changes that have taken place in the direction of international trade of India since independence. (d) How do the Andaman and Nicobar Islands and the Lakshadweep differ in the geological ecvolution and topographical conditions? 7. Answer
any TWO of the following :- (a) Describe the development of Super-computers in India. (b) How does the development of Pinaka benefit India? (c) What are optical fibres? What are their advantages? (d) What are enzymes? What is their importance? 8. Answer
FOUR questions from Group A, THREE from Group B and THREE from
Group C :-
GROUP-A (b) Explain per capita income as a measure of economic growth. (c) What is meant by �Quality of life�? (d) What constitutes a Minor Irrigation Project? (e) What is meant by Environmental Impact Assessment? (f) What is the difference between Gross National Product and Net National Product?
GROUP-B (b) Point out the constitution and functions of the Central Vigilance Commission. (c) State the amplitude of Art. 21 of the Constitution. (d) Which of the cases regarding disqualifications for Membership of either House of Parliament are decided by the President? (e) Differentiate between Parliamentary Secretary and Lok Sabha Secretary. (f) What is a Privilege Motion?
GROUP-C (b) State the importance of Antrix Corporation. (c) Why is Website getting popular?
(d) What
do the following stand for? (e) Give the functions of interferons. (f) What is the difference between E-mail and Fax?
plz provide physics pAper possibly in pdf format ....