(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Philosophy (2002)
Paper: IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Philosophy (2002)
Paper-I- Philosophy-2002 (Mains)
1. Write short notes on any three of the following in about 200wordseach:
(a) Horne’s Phenomenal ism
(b) Hegel’s Dialectical Method
(c) Quince’s attack on Analytic -Synthetic Distinction
(d) Moore’s Defense of Common -Sense
2. While Plato’s metaphysics is a visionary one, Aristotle’s metaphysics is a descriptive one.’ Explain
fully giving the essential differences between the views of the two thinkers regarding the nature of
3. State and critically examine Spinoza’s doctrine of the identity of substance, God and Nature.
4. ‘Kant’s “Critical Philosophy’ is reconciliation between Rationalism and Empiricism.” Elucidate the
remark fully and bring out the consequence of such reconciliation for the possibility of traditional
5. Write short notes on any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) Nyaya view of Self
(b) Buddhistic doctrine of Pratitya-samulpada
(c) Ramanuja’s Refutation of Mayavada
(d) Samkhya theory of Evolution of Prakrti
6. State and evaluate critically Carvaka view that perception is the only valid source of knowledge.
7. What is Svatahprrngnyvda according to Mimmsakas? Is their explanation of error consistent with it?
Discuss fully.
8. While the Nastika Darshanas reject outrightly the existence of God, the Astika Darashanas do not
seem to accord central position to his existence. ‘Explain and evaluate critically the remark.
Paper-II- Philosophy-2002 (Mains)
1. Write critical notes on any three of the following in not more than 200 words each:
(a) The concept of equality as a political ideal
(b) Mahatma Gandhi on sarvadharmasambhava
(c) Gender-equality: meaning and need
(d) Role of scientific temper in a good life
2. Do you think that Democracy is the best form of government? Is there any scope of ‘Beyond
Democracy’? In this context analyze the notion of ‘Meritocracy.
3. What is meant by justice? What are the necessary and sufficient conditions for its availability ?
4. Evaluate M. N. Roy’s Humanism as. a response to Marxism.
5. Write critical notes on any three of the following in not more than 200 words each:
(a) Ontological proof for the existence of God
(b) Advaita Vedanta theory of jivanmukti
(c) Impersonalistic conception of God
(d) Religion without God
6. Point out the relative importance of reason and revelation in religion. Are the two compatible?
7. ‘Religion without morality is empty and morality without religion is blind’. Do you agree with this
contention? Give rea3ons in support of your view.
8. What is meant by immortality of soul? Analyze the arguments o the Bhagavad-Gita in this regard.