(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Animal Husbandry and Vetenary Sciences (1981)
Paper : IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Animal Husbandry and Vetenary Sciences (1981)
1. Write short notes on any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) Hormonal control of mammary development, milk secretion, and milk ejection
(b) Artificial insemination in cows, its advantages and disadvantages
(c) Care and feeding of calves since birth up to the age of 3 months
(d) The role of cobalt in ruminants' nutrition
2. Discuss in detail the digestion and utilization of cellulose, hemicellulose and fats in dairy cattle.
3. Discuss in detail how dairy cows can meet their requirements of essential amino-acids, as well as
vitamins (except Vit, A and D) lacking in their ration.
4. Discuss in detail various thermo-regulatory mechanisms by which animals can increase the heat loss
from the body in summer and decrease the heat loss in winter to avoid climatic stress' as far as
possible. The exotic breeds of cows and the cross-bred cows are known to be under greater stress in
summer as compared to winter. Why so? What should be done to minimize summer stress in exotic
breeds of cows in hot and high humidity areas?
5. Write short notes on any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) Salient points to be kept in mind while collecting and transporting raw milk
(b) Silage making and its importance in feeding dairy cows
(c) Urea as a protein supplement for dairy cows and its limitations
(d) Management of litter under deep-litter system of Poultry keeping, the problems encountered
and how to tackle them.
6. What do you understand by Pasteurization of milk? Discuss different methods employed for
pasteurization of milk giving advantages and disadvantages of each method.
7. Discuss the importance and advantages of dairying under mixed farming system. 'Give its
disadvantages, if any.
8. Discuss the importance of green fodder in feeding milch animals. Give in detail a plan to ensure
supply of green fodder throughout the year, indicating the different fodders, their dates of sowing
and the time of availability of green fodder.
1. Write short notes on any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) Conjunctiva of the cow
(b) Hard water
(c) Sinus tumor
(d) Geimsa staining
2. How will you find out that a trait is controlled by non-additive gene action? If the trait is controlled by non-additive gene action, what type of selection will you advocate to bring about improvement in the trait?
3. Describe the circulatory and respiratory adjustments in warm environments and during exercise.
4. What are the mechanisms that account for the transport of drugs across biologic barriers? How do
these mechanisms differ from one another.
5. Write short notes on any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) Reconstitution of milk
(b) Bone meal
(c) Insulin
(d) Anthrax
6. Extension Education has as its objective the changing of knowledge, skill and attitude. How would
you achieve this objective with a rural community in respect of an improved animal husbandry
7. Describe pathology, diagnosis and control of mastitis in cattle.
8. "Nothing is wasted except the cry of an animal which is slaughtered." Substantiate this statement.