(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Animal Husbandry and Vetenary Sciences (1983)
Paper : IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Animal Husbandry and Vetenary Sciences (1983)
1. Write short notes on any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) Energetic efficiency for milk production
(b) Fat-soluble vitamins
(c) Least-cost feed-mixes
(d) Reproductive efficiency
2. Discuss in brief the significant strides made during the last few decades in understanding the
microbial ecosystem within the rumen of animals especially highlighting the following:
(a) Type and number of organisms
(b) Activities of the organisms
(c) Extent and scope of expression of their activities
3. Explain in detail the value and potential use of crop residues and agricultural by-products in dairy
cattle, sheep, goat, swine and poultry rations.
4. Describe in detail physiological control of mammary growth, lactogenesis and lactation.
5. Write short notes on any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) Goat is a poor man's cow
(b) Dairy wastes
(c) Herd book and performance testing
(d) Fermented dairy foods
6. State briefly the progress made in recent years in understanding and modernising the management
aspects of dairy and poultry farms in our country.
7. "India is on the threshold of providing enough milk for its teeming millions through its planned dairy
development programmes." Give your analytical comments on this.
8. Discuss the steps needed to be taken for furnishing the consumer with high quality of milk in an
assured and continuous manner in our country
1. Write short notes on any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) Assortative mating
(b) Radio-autography
(c) Circus and re-entry theory of cardiac arrhythemia
(d) Chlorinated hydrocarbons
2. How does the genetic composition of a population undergo changes?
3. Discuss the respiratory and circulatory systems of birds as contrasted to mammals with special
reference to mechanism for flying.
4. What steps would you take before selecting an antimicrobial agent for therapy?
5. Write short notes on any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) Audio-visual aids
(b) Duck virus hepatitis
(c) Trichinelliasis
(d) Posterior pituitary
6. Discuss the part played by milk dryers in the utilisation of surplus milk.
7. Describe the measures you would adopt to overcome the hazards of ectoparasites to which livestock
is exposed.
8. You are put in charge of a socially and economically backward and tradition-bound community,
What will be your approach for the uplift of the community, from the extension point of view ?