(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Animal Husbandry and Vetenary Sciences (1989)
Paper : IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Animal Husbandry and Vetenary Sciences (1989)
1. Write short notes on any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) Effect of feeding iodinated casein on milk production
(b) Energy: Protein ratio in poultry ration
(c) Use of hormones for growth stimulation
(d) Goats as livestock for hills
2. Name the major and minor mineral elements considered essential for livestock. What are the
functions of calcium and phosphorus in the animal body? Write a note on the inter-relationship of
calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D in nutrition.
3. What are the measures of feed energy? Briefly define each. Compare the usefulness of Total
Digestible Nutrients and Metabolizable Energy as measures of feed energy in the Indian context.
4. Discuss in brief the physical and physiological mechanisms of adaptation of ruminants to hot
environment. What management practices could be followed to overcome the heat stress in
5. Write short notes on any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) Farm land requirement for 100-adult cow dairy farm
(b) Effect of hot weather on chickens
(c) Hairlessness in pigs
(d) Cultured Butter-milk
6. Write a note on reproductive efficiency of indigenous cows and buffaloes. Outline steps to attain
high reproductive efficiency in a herd of cows under Indian conditions.
7. "ANAND pattern of dairy cooperatives is an ideal example of organization of rural milk procurement
and collection". Discuss. Write a note on impact of dairy cooperatives on milk production in rural
areas in India.
8. Define standardized milk. What are the merits in marketing standardized milk in an Indian city?
Distinguish between reconstituted recombined and filled milk. What are the differences in the
manufacturing processes and nutritional properties of the three types of milk.
1. Write short notes on any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) Diallel Cross
(b) Genetic Homeostasis
(c) Prostacycline
(d) Embryo transfer as a tool for livestock development
2. What is meant by breeding value? Evolve a programme for estimating the breeding value of sire used
for improvement in a sex limited trait of economic importance.
3. Considering that large number of animal population is in villages, discuss a suitable plan for
livestock extension for integrated rural development, keeping in view the present constraints and
their remedies.
4. What are enkephalins? Describe the mechanism of action of opioids.
5. Write short notes on any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) Marek's disease
(b) Monoclonal antibodies
(d) Economic use of slaughter house by-products
6. Discuss the role of abattoris in the development of meat industry in India.
7. Discuss the current status of Rinderpest in India. Describe the strategy of prevention and control.
8. What are the fermented products of milk? Assess their merits and demerits in popularising them in
rural India as a measure of profitable utilisation of surplus milk.