(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Animal Husbandry and Vetenary Sciences (1996)
Paper : IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Animal Husbandry and Vetenary Sciences (1996)
1. Write short notes on any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) Role of B vitamins in metabolism of energy and protein
(b) BMR and its estimation
(c) Subabool and Khejri as fodder
(d) Management of animals under draught conditions
2. Trace the evolution of the modern-day feeding standards. Critically examine the suitability of
applying one of the commonly accepted modern-day feeding standards under Indian conditions.
3. Timely breeding of farm animals is an essential requirement for optimum lifetime production. In
relation to this requirement, give the symptoms of heat and duration of oestrus in cattle, goat, sheep
and swine. Write a note on the most suitable time for breeding/insemination in the above species.
Enumerate management practices to improve breeding efficiency.
4. Briefly discuss the physical and physiological mechanism of adaptation of sheep to hot-arid environment. Suggest suitable management practices to overcome the heat stress in sheep.
5. Write short notes on any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) Essential buildings to be erected (with their floor area) on a 100 dairy-cow unit
(b) Feeding Records
(c) Hardy Weinberg Law
(d) Significance of pedigree selection
6. "Consumer's price of milk is related to cost of production of milk." Comment upon the statement.
Discuss the factors affecting cost of production of milk. Suggest measures to reduce the cost of milk
production on an average sized cow farm.
7. In relation to swine raising:
(a) Briefly discuss the amounts of protein required by swine. Name at least three protein
supplements that provide good quality protein for swine and at least three protein
supplements that are unsatisfactory as the only protein supplements for stall fed pigs.
(b) Management practices to be adopted to prevent PSE conditions of meat.
(c) Indicate measures for preventing anaemia and hair-lessness in piglets.
8. Distinguish between heritability and repeatability. What are the uses of heritability? Discuss merits
and demerits of different methods of estimating heritability.
1. Write short notes on any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) Chemotherapy in neoplasms
(b) Derivatives of embryonic veins
(c) Slipped tendon in poultry
(d) Milk homogenisation and its use
2. Discuss the epidemiological features of food-borne infections. What are the epidemiological tools
you will use for investigation tools you will use for investigation of a suspected water-borne disease
3. Describe the mechanisms of the drug action along with the concepts of its classification. Discuss the
toxicity which may occur due to Sulfonamide treatment.
4. Enumerate different diseases encountered during meat inspection of poultry. Discuss the
differentiating lesions and the line of action in such cases.
5. Write short notes on any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) Rabbit as a source of meat and fibre
(b) Role of tissue fixatives
(c) B. cells
(d) Pre-anaesthetic agents
6. Give the BIS standards for standard milk, toned milk and double toned milk. State how each one is
processed in a dairy plant. Give ways and means to reduce the operational costs of a medium sized
dairy plant.
7. Describe the advances in the development of diagnosis of animal diseases. Discuss the role of
nucleic acid hybridization in disease diagnosis for animal health strategy.
8. Successful preventive measures provide economic viability to livestock industry. Outline the
important diseases affecting livestock and describe the effective preventive measures to be adopted
to keep the livestock population healthy.