(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Animal Husbandry and Vetenary Sciences (2000)
Paper : IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Animal Husbandry and Vetenary Sciences (2000)
1. Write short notes on any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) Oestrous cycle and its role in economic dairying
(b) Management of piglet upto weaning
(c) Computation of ration for a pregnant cross-bred cow yielding 10 kg of milk
(d) Autosexing in poultry
2. Classify different mutagens. What are mechanisms involved in gene mutation?
3. "Draft animals are redundant following mechanisation in agriculture.' Give your comment with
4. Discuss in brief the importance of livestock farming under Indian conditions. Compare the dairy
farming as practiced in India with that in advanced countries. Show how would you make dairy
farming a more profitable enterprise than it is at present.
5. Write short notes on any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) Dipping of sheep
(b) Backyard poultry
(c) Transgenic animals
(d) Bypass protein in ruminant nutrition
6. Write in short about the importance of conservation of indigenous breeds of livestock. Discuss what
you know about germplasm bank.
7. Write a note on the present status of reproductive efficiency of indigenous cows and buffaloes.
Outline steps to attain a higher level of reproductive efficiency in a herd of buffaloes under Indian
8. Discuss in detail about feed supplements, additives and antibiotics in broiler and layer ration.
1. Write short notes on any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) Zero Rinderpest Programme
(b) Importance of hoof management in horses
(c) Blood groups and their role in blood transfusion in canines
(d) Functional anatomy in relation to flying in birds
2. Justify that 'liver is a vital organ'. Discuss the tests that may be used for diagnosing hepatic disorders
in live animals.
3. Discuss the role of various milk products in transmission of diseases in human beings.
4. What are the important deficiency diseases in bovines and how do these diseases affect productivity?
5. Write short notes on any three of the following in about 200 words each
(a) Role of blood-brain-barrier in drug metabolism
(b) Economic feasibility of sustainable milk production
(c) Methods for increasing carcass yield
(d) Osmotic regulation
6. Discuss the development of lymphoid organs during post natal stage with emphasis on their role in
host defence mechanism.
7. Discuss various animal husbandry programmes for rural development. Discuss the various
constraints in its implementation. What measures will you recommend for its rectification?
8. Describe five important vital diseases in buffaloes. What control measures may be adopted for their