(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Geology (1999)

Paper: IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Geology (1999)

Paper-I- Geology-1999 (Mains)


1. Explain any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) Caldera and Stratovolcanoes
(b) Internal Constitution of the earth
(c) Lineaments with reference to India
(d) Major Geomorphic features of Indian subcontinent

2. Describe and discuss how folds and faults can be identified in the field. What is the relevance of these for the society?

3. Describe:
(i) deep sea trenches,
(ii) mid-ocean ridges and
(iii) sea-floor spreading and discuss their significance.

4. Write brief notes on the following giving Indian examples wherever possible:
(a) Guyot
(b) Landforms of Glaciated mountains
(c) Significance of Linear and Planar structures
(d) River-piracy
(e) Barchans and Loess


5. Answer any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) Present day horses are different from their geological ancestors. Comment.
(b) Evolutionary trends in Trilobites
(c) Boundary problems in Indian stratigraphy
(d) Correlation of Gondwanas of India with their world equivalents
6. Describe the morphology and classification of Ammonoids and give their distribution in space and time.

7. Briefly give the classification. conditions of deposition and fossil fauna of Shivalik system of India.

8. Write stratigraphic notes on any three of the following:
(a) Precambrian rocks of Karnataka (Modem views)
(b) Stratigraphic of oil-bearing formations of North-Eastern India
(c) Principles of stratigraphic classification
(d) Geological succession and fauna of the Cretaceous formations of Narmada Valley

Paper - II- Geology-1999 (Mains)


1. Write notes on any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) Twin Laws
(b) Sterographic projection
(c) Peudomorphism
(d) Structure of Amphibole group of minerals

2. Describe optical indicatrix. How would you optically differentiate between uniaxial and biaxial minerals?

3. What are the main characteristics of primary basaltic magma? How is it generated in the mantle ?

4. Describe the methodology applied to determine composition and location of provenance in the study of a sedimentary basin.


5. Write notes on any three of the following in about 200 words each:
(a) Pneumatolytic metamorphism
(b) Textures of magmatic ores
(c) Opencast mining
(d) Guides for mineral search

6. Discuss the strategic, critical and essential minerals of India, and the policy adopted for their conservation in the country.

7. Give an account of the coalfields of India, with special reference to coking and non-coking coals, their reserves and production in the country.

8. Explain the resistivity method as applied to groundwater exploration.