(Paper) IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Geology (2001)
Paper: IAS Mains Previous Year Paper Geology (2001)
Paper-I- Geology-2001 (Mains)
1. Answer any three of the following each within 200 words :
(a) Why are modern island arcs restricted to specific parts of the globe ? How would you identify
island arc products in ancient rocks records ?
(b) Which earth processes control the drainage geomorphology?
(c) Explain the basic principles of Global Positioning System.
(d) Explain the mechanism of rock failure leading to faulting.
2. It is said : “While new ocean floor is born, old ocean floor dies.” Explain.
3. Describe:
(a) Development of coastal landforms.
(b) Remote sensing techniques for identification of rock types.
4. Write brief notes on :
(a) Reversal of dips
(b) Nappe
(c) Inliers and Outlier
(d) Para conformity
5. Answer any three of the following, each within 200 words:
(a) Differentiate between body fossil and trace fossil.
(b) Fossil fauna and flora can indicate paleoclimate. Justify in the Indian context.
(c) Where do the, names ‘Umarja” and ‘Umia” arise in the context of Indian stratigraphy ?
(d) Describe the role played by the hydro geological studies in the welfare of human civilization
6. Write brief notes on :
(a) Benthic Foraminifera
(b) Brachial skeleton of fossil brachiopods
(c) Exoskeleton of trilobites
(d) Neanderthal man
7. Answer the following:
(a) On which age level (in million years) is the Precambrian- Cambrian boundary placed ? What
are Cambrian fauna? Are they found in the Indian subcontinent and if so, where ?
(b) Enumerate characteristic features of Jurassic ammonoids of Kutch basin.
(c) Trace the evolutionary history of Eastern Chats Mobile Belt.
(c) What was the paleogeographic disposition of continents during the Permo-Carboniferous era?
8. Comment on:
(a) Problem of salt-water intrusion in coastal areas and remedial measures.
(b) Geological considerations in dam construction
Paper - II- Geology-2001 (Mains)
1. In about 200 words each, explain any three of the following:
(a) Pleochroism in minerals of pyroxene and amphibole groups
(b) Metamorphic zones in medium grade metamorphism of pelitic rocks
(c) Albeit - Anorthite silicate system
(d) Primary sedimentary structures
2. Give the general chemical composition, physical properties and occurrence of sulphide group of
3. Write explanatory notes on the following in brief:
(a) Bowen’s Reaction Principle and magmatic differentiation process
(b) Anatexis and the genesis of granite rocks
4. Give the classification of impure carbonate rocks. How are they deposited.
5. In about 200 words each, write notes on any three of the following:
(a) Metallogenic epochs
(b) Marine mineral resources
(c) Sampling techniques in the assessment of ore reserves
(d) Pollution of ground and surface water
6. Write notes on the following, in brief:
(a) Structural controls in the formation of mineral deposits
(b) National Mineral Policy of India in relation to globalization \and present world order
7. Describe the methods of geochemical prospecting.
8. Write notes on the following, in brief
(a) Major elements and trace elements in the Earths crust
(b) Mitigation of natural hazards in Himalayan terrain